Greetings -
Some of you may have read my recent post about the launch of my fiction book project.
The title of the book is SOLID JOURNEY HIGHLIGHTS - THE VICTORIA CHRONICLES. The Victoria character is based on me.
Well, I finished the prologue and am almost finished the first chapter. For those who are so inclined, please click on this link to read the prologue. It is found under a separate tab just below the blog header photo of the sunset. The tab is titled, "SOLID JOURNEY HIGHLIGHTS - THE VICTORIA CHRONICLES."
Thank you for your consideration and indulgence.
I wrote the content on this blog with sincere and holy intentions with the knowledge that I had at the time... We live, learn and errors are exposed and more truths are revealed...
Only GOD is perfect. It's vital that you seek the Lord to expose any errors that you've embraced. Please ask Him to expose any areas of darkness to you and for what is necessary to do to dispossess what's NOT of truth.
Flames of fire dance joyfully as dreams of fervor conjure up images of red hot passion for the gusto of life.
Sizzle, spark, explode -
Fireballs light up the sky. Wow! a thunder flash with a clap -
The flames are vivid with the awesome glow of orange colors blended with yellow highlights that accent the blaze.
This display is the bomb torched with a rocket plan. Such rapture has lit our fire. We are dynamite on this journey.
Come on fire, fall on us. Pour your liquid potency. Ignite our souls that we may be engulfed with magnified intensity.
Blow up our hearts. Dance with us....
Copyright 2010
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Thank you.
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Greetings -
Scriptures from the King James Bible.
Yesterday, due to some circumstances, I had to do a self-examination. 2 Corinthians 13:5, Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith; prove your own selves,...
I publicly confess here that I need to change - we all do. My self-examination yesterday came as a result of a matter that I'm not at liberty to share here. The subject matter caused me to focus in deeply with our Lord to learn from Him whether I was wrong. I said to the Lord last night something like, "I need to know clearly from You, Lord. I don't want to go out of here until I know from You whether I am wrong. I know that if I go out of here wrong that I'm an unarmored target for Satan because when I'm wrong, my holy anointing cannot be on. When my holy anointing is not on, I'm vulnerable because I cannot be in sin mode AND be fully armored in You. Joshua 7:13 states, "...Sanctify yourselves against to morrow: for thus saith the Lord God of Israel, There is an accursed thing in the midst of thee, O Israel: thou canst not stand before thine enemies, until ye take away the accursed thing from among you." If I'm wrong, Lord, please reveal it to me and I'll repent and seek You, in earnest, about what to do to get right again. If I'm right, please reveal that to me clearly so that I will definitely know."
After my heart cry to our Lord, I got on my knees and prayed and also went to His Word for help. He assured me that I had sought the necessary forgiveness from Him and the person involved. He further assured me that He honored my awareness that I need to change and that I had sought Him for help in the subject areas. I was comforted but not entirely settled about the matter. I prayed and read the Word some more and then went to bed.
This morning I got up with the matter still on my mind and heart. This time, I read the Word and then got prostrate on the floor before our Lord for a lengthy period of time. Again, our Lord assured me that all is well with my relationship with Him. I was pleased but not entirely settled...until...
At about 7:15 this morning, our Lord led me to watch a live streaming church service. The pastor used Joshua 14:6-13 as the text. The part that our Lord gave me as a focus was a portion of verse 9 which states, "...because thou hast wholly followed the Lord my God." And a portion of verse 12 which states, "Now therefore give me this mountain,..." Wow! That put me closer to being fully settled about the matter that had me wrestling for the return of my peace in our Lord. As I dozed off (I didn't go to bed until after 1 a.m.), our Lord got me alert in time to hear the pastor say these words, "Commitment to GOD + confidence in GOD = courage from GOD = conquest by GOD. I said loudly in my spirit, "That's it!" I KNOW that all is well with me and our Lord. I have my peace back, people. Praise be to GOD!
In Exodus 33:15, Moses spoke these words to GOD, "And he said unto him, If thy presence go not with me, carry us not up hence." In my heart cry to our Lord, I was adamant that I was not going out until it was clear that no sin separated me from Him. His presence with me is crucial. Glory to GOD'S awesome name that He graciously met me where I was. He does the same for "whosoever will." Thank You, Lord!
Everyday I read the Holy Bible and pray to our Lord with sincere purpose to obey His will. Sermons have been preached about the importance of daily reading the Bible, doing it, and spending quality time in devotion with our Lord. It has been years, but I can remember when I missed just a day reading the Bible. That one day miss made a difference in my attitude. My flesh was dominant rather than my spirit. I shared that with at least two other Christians and they agreed that a one day miss caused less than godly results in their attitude.
There are, of course, instances when the Holy Bible isn't available to some Christians. I don't know if that is true in America but certainly it is the case in other countries. Our Lord holds us accountable for what we can do. Our awesome GOD, through His amazing love and power, certainly meets, where they are, those Christians who cannot access the Holy Bible. GOD can conquer ALL obstacles!
I believe that, here in America, Christians have free choice to daily read the Holy Bible. As such, I believe that our Lord holds us accountable and responsible to daily partake of it. On more than several occasions, I have heard pastors preach, with urgency, about the need for Christians to daily read and to know the Bible for themselves - not just through secondary channels, such as pastors, teachers, programs, and schools. And certainly, there is vital need to do what the Bible instructs and to daily seek GOD in prayer and fellowship. Keeping it real here, people - I'm suspicious of Christians who don't daily read the Bible. Based on how I know that missing one day affected me - flesh dominated - I believe that flesh dominates those who neglect to daily read the Word of GOD with purpose to do what it says. For those who don't daily read it, it can be listened to through various resources. Hebrews 4:12 states, "For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart." GOD'S Word is too vitally important for us to miss daily intake of it.
Joshua 1:8
This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success.
The Acts 17:11
These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so.
Please consider this account:
Fictional or truth?
Trudy and Lydia are Christians who have been in relationship for years. Lydia is a radical Christian - think the style of John the Baptist. Trudy isn't spiritually fervent nor is she habitually inclined to daily read the Holy Bible. One day Lydia rode as a passenger in Trudy's car. On this particular day, Trudy mistakenly made an illegal U-turn. Some other unpleasant things had happened to her before she picked Lydia up that day. Well, a police officer was parked nearby. The officer came to Trudy's car to question and explain. Trudy told him that her turn wasn't intentional. She implored him to give her a break. The officer was cordial but firm. He told Trudy that he would check her information.
The officer walked to the police car. Trudy laid her head on the steering wheel and began to cry. Lydia began to, out loud, praise the Lord, thank Him, and to pray and to sing to Him. Lydia asked Trudy, "Did you read the Word today?" Trudy responded no. Lydia responded, "That's what's wrong with you." Trudy was spiritually unprepared. The officer came back and stated that he would let her off with a warning. He didn't issue her a ticket. She gratefully thanked the officer. He made a few comments and went on his way. Trudy thanked Lydia for her prayer.
Lydia believes that if Trudy had read the Bible that morning, she wouldn't have laid her head on the steering wheel and cried. Does Lydia mean that when we are fully armored in our Lord that we won't have seasons when we cry? No, but Lydia does believe that we are definitely better equipped to deal with circumstances when we daily read the Word of GOD, do what it says, and daily fellowship with our Lord.
Lydia's belief is that the best time to do daily fellowship with our Lord is in the mornings. The Holy Bible has a number of mentions to seek Him early. One such mention is Psalm 63:1, "O God, thou art my God; early will I seek thee: my soul thirsteth for thee, my flesh longeth for thee in a dry and thirsty land,..." Lydia is a firm believer of giving our Lord the firstfruits of our day. That is the mornings. It sets the tone for the rest of the day. Some agree and some disagree. That is Lydia's firm belief. Repeatedly, circumstances in her life have proven that that is a beneficial practice.
The paragraph below is somewhat connected to the post topic that is placed directly below this one titled, "QUESTION ABOUT THE BIBLE ACCOUNT OF THE LYING PROPHET."
I married when I was nineteen years old. My spouse choice wasn't a wise one. He engaged in adultery and other indecent practices. Soon after our marriage, I accepted JESUS Christ as Savior. The turmoil of my marriage led me to seek pastoral counseling. The pastor firmly told me to leave my husband. Even though I was a baby Christian and the pastor was a seasoned experienced Christian, my spirit didn't agree with his counsel. I knew that our Lord was not telling me to leave my husband. Later a non-Christian counselor gave me the same advice. Again, I knew that that was not the Lord's will for me. Those advisers meant well. Then about a year later, after some escalated indecent behavior from my husband, I clearly heard our Lord tell me to divorce my husband. I obeyed and got the divorce. We must know from our Lord for ourselves what to do, how and when. It can be helpful to get advice but we should always seek the Lord and do what He says.
Written Sunday June 26, 2011
Copyright 2011
Scriptures from the King James Bible.
Yesterday, due to some circumstances, I had to do a self-examination. 2 Corinthians 13:5, Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith; prove your own selves,...
I publicly confess here that I need to change - we all do. My self-examination yesterday came as a result of a matter that I'm not at liberty to share here. The subject matter caused me to focus in deeply with our Lord to learn from Him whether I was wrong. I said to the Lord last night something like, "I need to know clearly from You, Lord. I don't want to go out of here until I know from You whether I am wrong. I know that if I go out of here wrong that I'm an unarmored target for Satan because when I'm wrong, my holy anointing cannot be on. When my holy anointing is not on, I'm vulnerable because I cannot be in sin mode AND be fully armored in You. Joshua 7:13 states, "...Sanctify yourselves against to morrow: for thus saith the Lord God of Israel, There is an accursed thing in the midst of thee, O Israel: thou canst not stand before thine enemies, until ye take away the accursed thing from among you." If I'm wrong, Lord, please reveal it to me and I'll repent and seek You, in earnest, about what to do to get right again. If I'm right, please reveal that to me clearly so that I will definitely know."
After my heart cry to our Lord, I got on my knees and prayed and also went to His Word for help. He assured me that I had sought the necessary forgiveness from Him and the person involved. He further assured me that He honored my awareness that I need to change and that I had sought Him for help in the subject areas. I was comforted but not entirely settled about the matter. I prayed and read the Word some more and then went to bed.
This morning I got up with the matter still on my mind and heart. This time, I read the Word and then got prostrate on the floor before our Lord for a lengthy period of time. Again, our Lord assured me that all is well with my relationship with Him. I was pleased but not entirely settled...until...
At about 7:15 this morning, our Lord led me to watch a live streaming church service. The pastor used Joshua 14:6-13 as the text. The part that our Lord gave me as a focus was a portion of verse 9 which states, "...because thou hast wholly followed the Lord my God." And a portion of verse 12 which states, "Now therefore give me this mountain,..." Wow! That put me closer to being fully settled about the matter that had me wrestling for the return of my peace in our Lord. As I dozed off (I didn't go to bed until after 1 a.m.), our Lord got me alert in time to hear the pastor say these words, "Commitment to GOD + confidence in GOD = courage from GOD = conquest by GOD. I said loudly in my spirit, "That's it!" I KNOW that all is well with me and our Lord. I have my peace back, people. Praise be to GOD!
In Exodus 33:15, Moses spoke these words to GOD, "And he said unto him, If thy presence go not with me, carry us not up hence." In my heart cry to our Lord, I was adamant that I was not going out until it was clear that no sin separated me from Him. His presence with me is crucial. Glory to GOD'S awesome name that He graciously met me where I was. He does the same for "whosoever will." Thank You, Lord!
Everyday I read the Holy Bible and pray to our Lord with sincere purpose to obey His will. Sermons have been preached about the importance of daily reading the Bible, doing it, and spending quality time in devotion with our Lord. It has been years, but I can remember when I missed just a day reading the Bible. That one day miss made a difference in my attitude. My flesh was dominant rather than my spirit. I shared that with at least two other Christians and they agreed that a one day miss caused less than godly results in their attitude.
There are, of course, instances when the Holy Bible isn't available to some Christians. I don't know if that is true in America but certainly it is the case in other countries. Our Lord holds us accountable for what we can do. Our awesome GOD, through His amazing love and power, certainly meets, where they are, those Christians who cannot access the Holy Bible. GOD can conquer ALL obstacles!
I believe that, here in America, Christians have free choice to daily read the Holy Bible. As such, I believe that our Lord holds us accountable and responsible to daily partake of it. On more than several occasions, I have heard pastors preach, with urgency, about the need for Christians to daily read and to know the Bible for themselves - not just through secondary channels, such as pastors, teachers, programs, and schools. And certainly, there is vital need to do what the Bible instructs and to daily seek GOD in prayer and fellowship. Keeping it real here, people - I'm suspicious of Christians who don't daily read the Bible. Based on how I know that missing one day affected me - flesh dominated - I believe that flesh dominates those who neglect to daily read the Word of GOD with purpose to do what it says. For those who don't daily read it, it can be listened to through various resources. Hebrews 4:12 states, "For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart." GOD'S Word is too vitally important for us to miss daily intake of it.
Joshua 1:8
This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success.
The Acts 17:11
These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so.
Please consider this account:
Fictional or truth?
Trudy and Lydia are Christians who have been in relationship for years. Lydia is a radical Christian - think the style of John the Baptist. Trudy isn't spiritually fervent nor is she habitually inclined to daily read the Holy Bible. One day Lydia rode as a passenger in Trudy's car. On this particular day, Trudy mistakenly made an illegal U-turn. Some other unpleasant things had happened to her before she picked Lydia up that day. Well, a police officer was parked nearby. The officer came to Trudy's car to question and explain. Trudy told him that her turn wasn't intentional. She implored him to give her a break. The officer was cordial but firm. He told Trudy that he would check her information.
The officer walked to the police car. Trudy laid her head on the steering wheel and began to cry. Lydia began to, out loud, praise the Lord, thank Him, and to pray and to sing to Him. Lydia asked Trudy, "Did you read the Word today?" Trudy responded no. Lydia responded, "That's what's wrong with you." Trudy was spiritually unprepared. The officer came back and stated that he would let her off with a warning. He didn't issue her a ticket. She gratefully thanked the officer. He made a few comments and went on his way. Trudy thanked Lydia for her prayer.
Lydia believes that if Trudy had read the Bible that morning, she wouldn't have laid her head on the steering wheel and cried. Does Lydia mean that when we are fully armored in our Lord that we won't have seasons when we cry? No, but Lydia does believe that we are definitely better equipped to deal with circumstances when we daily read the Word of GOD, do what it says, and daily fellowship with our Lord.
Lydia's belief is that the best time to do daily fellowship with our Lord is in the mornings. The Holy Bible has a number of mentions to seek Him early. One such mention is Psalm 63:1, "O God, thou art my God; early will I seek thee: my soul thirsteth for thee, my flesh longeth for thee in a dry and thirsty land,..." Lydia is a firm believer of giving our Lord the firstfruits of our day. That is the mornings. It sets the tone for the rest of the day. Some agree and some disagree. That is Lydia's firm belief. Repeatedly, circumstances in her life have proven that that is a beneficial practice.
The paragraph below is somewhat connected to the post topic that is placed directly below this one titled, "QUESTION ABOUT THE BIBLE ACCOUNT OF THE LYING PROPHET."
I married when I was nineteen years old. My spouse choice wasn't a wise one. He engaged in adultery and other indecent practices. Soon after our marriage, I accepted JESUS Christ as Savior. The turmoil of my marriage led me to seek pastoral counseling. The pastor firmly told me to leave my husband. Even though I was a baby Christian and the pastor was a seasoned experienced Christian, my spirit didn't agree with his counsel. I knew that our Lord was not telling me to leave my husband. Later a non-Christian counselor gave me the same advice. Again, I knew that that was not the Lord's will for me. Those advisers meant well. Then about a year later, after some escalated indecent behavior from my husband, I clearly heard our Lord tell me to divorce my husband. I obeyed and got the divorce. We must know from our Lord for ourselves what to do, how and when. It can be helpful to get advice but we should always seek the Lord and do what He says.
Written Sunday June 26, 2011
Copyright 2011
Greetings -
Scriptures from the King James Bible.
I need help please on the scripture content about the lying prophet.
Please share your views on the following:
1 Kings 13:9
For it was charged me by the word of the Lord, saying, Eat no bread, nor drink water, or turn again by the same way that thou camest.
1 Kings 13:14-18
And went after the man of God, and found him sitting under an oak: and he said unto him, Art thou the man of God that camest from Judah? And he said, I am.
Then he said unto him, Come home with me, and eat bread.
And he said, I may not return with thee, nor go in with thee, neither will I eat bread nor drink water with thee in this place:
For it was said to me by the word of the Lord, Thou shalt eat no bread nor drink water there, nor turn again to go by the way that thou camest.
He said unto him, I am a prophet also as thou art; and an angel spake unto me by the word of the Lord, saying, Bring him back with thee into thine house, that he may eat bread and drink water. But he lied unto him.
Thank you
- FYI - You're invited to obtain my e-books. Also, I invite you to read my free offerings. Here is the link for additional information.
You don't need e-readers to read e-books; they can also be read online.
Scriptures from the King James Bible.
I need help please on the scripture content about the lying prophet.
Please share your views on the following:
1 Kings 13:9
For it was charged me by the word of the Lord, saying, Eat no bread, nor drink water, or turn again by the same way that thou camest.
1 Kings 13:14-18
And went after the man of God, and found him sitting under an oak: and he said unto him, Art thou the man of God that camest from Judah? And he said, I am.
Then he said unto him, Come home with me, and eat bread.
And he said, I may not return with thee, nor go in with thee, neither will I eat bread nor drink water with thee in this place:
For it was said to me by the word of the Lord, Thou shalt eat no bread nor drink water there, nor turn again to go by the way that thou camest.
He said unto him, I am a prophet also as thou art; and an angel spake unto me by the word of the Lord, saying, Bring him back with thee into thine house, that he may eat bread and drink water. But he lied unto him.
Thank you
- FYI - You're invited to obtain my e-books. Also, I invite you to read my free offerings. Here is the link for additional information.
You don't need e-readers to read e-books; they can also be read online.
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Greetings -
Scriptures are from the King James Bible.
This message is NOT for baby Christians or for those who are still on milk, as approved by our Lord. Some Christians ARE on approved milk diets while others continue to partake of milk when the Lord has told them to be meat partakers....
Important Note:
For ANY prophetic words received from ANY source try the spirits, as per the Words of our Lord in 1 John 4:1, "Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world."
That said - Thus saith the Lord:
It's show time in new dimensions for those who choose holiness. Satan and his children are showing off. I, with My holy vessels, am showing ON. In holiness, there is power that comes from My blessed hands. There is authority in holiness that comes from My anointing. The yoke is destroyed because of the anointing - Isaiah 10:27. There are changes that must be made that CANNOT be made without holy anointed vessels of honor. There are demonic strong holds that cannot be pulled down without holy anointed saints. Such saints are fully equipped to subdue, and to destroy the works of the devil. The power in My anointed vessels causes devils to tremble. Hearts will melt and the fainthearted will quiver from the awesome power of GOD that is about to be unleashed on this rebellious world. Some will be saved because of the burning lights that come from within My sanctified and holy saints.
Those who aren't sufficiently serious about MY assignments - enough...gird your loins - don your robes of righteousness - reject pacifiers - disdain diapers - shun milk - forsake crawling and begging. Put away childish things - 1 Corinthians 13:11. Cease to waver, for he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed - James 1:6. Be not double minded. Forbid to halt between two opinions. My Word says in 1 Kings 18:21, "...if the Lord be God, follow him: but if Baal, then follow him."
Embrace and cleave to GOD. Embrace love, faith, hope, valor, courage, and holy sanctified boldness. Keep yourselves pure - pure, people - pursue and prevail. Nothing less is acceptable. Nothing else can slay the giants. Nothing else can stare evil in the eye and not blink. Nothing else can go toe to toe with wickedness and be fearless. Nothing else can conquer evil as can holiness and purity.
Love and forgive people but seek Me for when to move on and to shake off the dust of your feet - Matthew 10:14. Matthew 7:6 says, "Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you." Love and forgive people but know when to let them know that you will no longer put up with their foolishness. I include "Christians" in the lot - those who profess to know Me but their works deny Me. Titus 1:16, "They profess that they know God; but in works they deny him, being abominable, and disobedient, and unto every good work reprobate." Romans 16:17 says, "Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them." Longsuffering does have expiration dates. Seek Me for those dates. Indeed, there are seasons when enough is enough.
This is a season when the double minded cannot have potent impact. Steadfast holiness is needed for ROCK moves such as have never been witnessed or experienced. One of My children recently stated about Christians, "We're trying to find new places with old maps." You cannot use outdated navigational tools to impact this wicked and perverse generation. The wicked wax worse and worse. Discern the times. Discern the increased evil. Lukewarmness and carnality is no match for this intensified wickedness. The lukewarm and carnal do NOT have what it takes to conquer the vileness that has arrived to kill - to kill, people. This is ever more serious.
Rehearsal is over. Those who do not suit up for show time will be largely unprofitable for My use. I call forth people who are fit for the MASTER'S use. My Word says in 2 Kings 7:3, ...Why sit we here until we die?" Move forward in Me or become spiritually unprofitable. Move forward in Me or be left behind. Move forward in Me or die. Romans 8:6 says, "For to be carnally minded is death;..."
I need laborers for My harvest. Ready laborers, wholly armored laborers, effective laborers who impact, and through My love and power, destroy yokes. I spue out the lukewarm, rag tag and AWOL - Revelation 3:15. Soldiers, soldiers, warriors, warriors, report for duty that shall be conducted with "now time" weaponry. Desperate souls need us! Bound souls need us! Hopeless souls need us! Put away childish things and do war against the wicked machinations of Satan and his army.
Examine yourselves. Does Satan have anything in you? If he does, he knows it and certainly uses it against you. Are you holy? If you're not, Satan uses that to his advantage. 1 Corinthians 10:21 says "Ye cannot drink the cup of the Lord, and the cup of devils: ye cannot be partakers of the Lord's table, and of the table of devils."
Remember that with all of the fighting that Satan does - he's still going to hell. I and My people eternally prevail!
If you desire My best, consistently seek Me, in earnest, for what is necessary to please Me, and to defeat Satan and his wicked devices. I love you.
Rehearsal is over.
Exodus 32:26
Then Moses stood in the gate of the camp, and said, Who is on the Lord's side? let him come unto me. And all the sons of Levi gathered themselves together unto him.
Update: Ref: This post
A commenter mentioned that only GOD knows our hearts. I agree except when GOD chooses to reveal the hearts of others to his saints, such as in 1 Samuel when he revealed Saul's heart to Samuel. 1 Samuel 9:19 which states, "And Samuel answered Saul, and said, I am the seer: go up before me unto the high place; for ye shall eat with me to day, and to morrow I will let thee go, and will tell thee all that is in thine heart."
Also, I fully believe in gentleness as the Spirit of GOD leads. All that we do should be as the Spirit leads. Of course, we do falter but overall, we are to walk in the Spirit. There are times when GOD leads to use the rod such as in 1 Corinthians 4:21 which states, "What will ye? shall I come unto you with a rod, or in love, and in the spirit of meekness?" And JESUS used a rod, so to speak, with Peter when he said to him in Matthew 16:23, "...Get thee behind me, Satan: thou art an offence unto me: for thou savourest not the things that be of God, but those that be of men." And The Acts 8:20 mentions this that Peter spoke, "...Thy money perish with thee, because thou hast thought the gift of God may be purchased with money." Finally, Titus 1:13 states, "This witness is true. Wherefore rebuke them sharply, that they may be sound in the faith;"
That said, we are commanded in Ephesians 4:15, "But speaking the truth in love, may grow up into him in all things, which is the head, even Christ:"
Second Update:
Today, Wednesday June 22, 2011, I received, via
e-mail, an article dated today authored by Cindy Jacobs. The article is titled, "Does God Have a Plan for America?" In the subject article Jacobs states, in essence, that one reason that things have become so wicked is, largely, because of church apathy - the church has become silent. She stated that we need to be reformers. One definition of reform is: make changes in (something, typically a social, political, or economic institution or practice) in order to improve it:..(Source: The New Oxford American Dictionary).
Here is a link to the article by Cindy Jacobs
It struck me how I posted this topic just after midnight this morning, and then at 10:36 this morning, the subject article came to me via e-mail. How GOD is that?!
Scriptures are from the King James Bible.
This message is NOT for baby Christians or for those who are still on milk, as approved by our Lord. Some Christians ARE on approved milk diets while others continue to partake of milk when the Lord has told them to be meat partakers....
Important Note:
For ANY prophetic words received from ANY source try the spirits, as per the Words of our Lord in 1 John 4:1, "Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world."
That said - Thus saith the Lord:
It's show time in new dimensions for those who choose holiness. Satan and his children are showing off. I, with My holy vessels, am showing ON. In holiness, there is power that comes from My blessed hands. There is authority in holiness that comes from My anointing. The yoke is destroyed because of the anointing - Isaiah 10:27. There are changes that must be made that CANNOT be made without holy anointed vessels of honor. There are demonic strong holds that cannot be pulled down without holy anointed saints. Such saints are fully equipped to subdue, and to destroy the works of the devil. The power in My anointed vessels causes devils to tremble. Hearts will melt and the fainthearted will quiver from the awesome power of GOD that is about to be unleashed on this rebellious world. Some will be saved because of the burning lights that come from within My sanctified and holy saints.
Those who aren't sufficiently serious about MY assignments - enough...gird your loins - don your robes of righteousness - reject pacifiers - disdain diapers - shun milk - forsake crawling and begging. Put away childish things - 1 Corinthians 13:11. Cease to waver, for he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed - James 1:6. Be not double minded. Forbid to halt between two opinions. My Word says in 1 Kings 18:21, "...if the Lord be God, follow him: but if Baal, then follow him."
Embrace and cleave to GOD. Embrace love, faith, hope, valor, courage, and holy sanctified boldness. Keep yourselves pure - pure, people - pursue and prevail. Nothing less is acceptable. Nothing else can slay the giants. Nothing else can stare evil in the eye and not blink. Nothing else can go toe to toe with wickedness and be fearless. Nothing else can conquer evil as can holiness and purity.
Love and forgive people but seek Me for when to move on and to shake off the dust of your feet - Matthew 10:14. Matthew 7:6 says, "Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you." Love and forgive people but know when to let them know that you will no longer put up with their foolishness. I include "Christians" in the lot - those who profess to know Me but their works deny Me. Titus 1:16, "They profess that they know God; but in works they deny him, being abominable, and disobedient, and unto every good work reprobate." Romans 16:17 says, "Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them." Longsuffering does have expiration dates. Seek Me for those dates. Indeed, there are seasons when enough is enough.
This is a season when the double minded cannot have potent impact. Steadfast holiness is needed for ROCK moves such as have never been witnessed or experienced. One of My children recently stated about Christians, "We're trying to find new places with old maps." You cannot use outdated navigational tools to impact this wicked and perverse generation. The wicked wax worse and worse. Discern the times. Discern the increased evil. Lukewarmness and carnality is no match for this intensified wickedness. The lukewarm and carnal do NOT have what it takes to conquer the vileness that has arrived to kill - to kill, people. This is ever more serious.
Rehearsal is over. Those who do not suit up for show time will be largely unprofitable for My use. I call forth people who are fit for the MASTER'S use. My Word says in 2 Kings 7:3, ...Why sit we here until we die?" Move forward in Me or become spiritually unprofitable. Move forward in Me or be left behind. Move forward in Me or die. Romans 8:6 says, "For to be carnally minded is death;..."
I need laborers for My harvest. Ready laborers, wholly armored laborers, effective laborers who impact, and through My love and power, destroy yokes. I spue out the lukewarm, rag tag and AWOL - Revelation 3:15. Soldiers, soldiers, warriors, warriors, report for duty that shall be conducted with "now time" weaponry. Desperate souls need us! Bound souls need us! Hopeless souls need us! Put away childish things and do war against the wicked machinations of Satan and his army.
Examine yourselves. Does Satan have anything in you? If he does, he knows it and certainly uses it against you. Are you holy? If you're not, Satan uses that to his advantage. 1 Corinthians 10:21 says "Ye cannot drink the cup of the Lord, and the cup of devils: ye cannot be partakers of the Lord's table, and of the table of devils."
Remember that with all of the fighting that Satan does - he's still going to hell. I and My people eternally prevail!
If you desire My best, consistently seek Me, in earnest, for what is necessary to please Me, and to defeat Satan and his wicked devices. I love you.
Rehearsal is over.
Exodus 32:26
Then Moses stood in the gate of the camp, and said, Who is on the Lord's side? let him come unto me. And all the sons of Levi gathered themselves together unto him.
Update: Ref: This post
A commenter mentioned that only GOD knows our hearts. I agree except when GOD chooses to reveal the hearts of others to his saints, such as in 1 Samuel when he revealed Saul's heart to Samuel. 1 Samuel 9:19 which states, "And Samuel answered Saul, and said, I am the seer: go up before me unto the high place; for ye shall eat with me to day, and to morrow I will let thee go, and will tell thee all that is in thine heart."
Also, I fully believe in gentleness as the Spirit of GOD leads. All that we do should be as the Spirit leads. Of course, we do falter but overall, we are to walk in the Spirit. There are times when GOD leads to use the rod such as in 1 Corinthians 4:21 which states, "What will ye? shall I come unto you with a rod, or in love, and in the spirit of meekness?" And JESUS used a rod, so to speak, with Peter when he said to him in Matthew 16:23, "...Get thee behind me, Satan: thou art an offence unto me: for thou savourest not the things that be of God, but those that be of men." And The Acts 8:20 mentions this that Peter spoke, "...Thy money perish with thee, because thou hast thought the gift of God may be purchased with money." Finally, Titus 1:13 states, "This witness is true. Wherefore rebuke them sharply, that they may be sound in the faith;"
That said, we are commanded in Ephesians 4:15, "But speaking the truth in love, may grow up into him in all things, which is the head, even Christ:"
Second Update:
Today, Wednesday June 22, 2011, I received, via
e-mail, an article dated today authored by Cindy Jacobs. The article is titled, "Does God Have a Plan for America?" In the subject article Jacobs states, in essence, that one reason that things have become so wicked is, largely, because of church apathy - the church has become silent. She stated that we need to be reformers. One definition of reform is: make changes in (something, typically a social, political, or economic institution or practice) in order to improve it:..(Source: The New Oxford American Dictionary).
Here is a link to the article by Cindy Jacobs
It struck me how I posted this topic just after midnight this morning, and then at 10:36 this morning, the subject article came to me via e-mail. How GOD is that?!
Note: This topic is available for copying/printing/distribution. It is re-posted, in part, on blog, "FREELY RECEIVED FREELY GIVEN" at Specifically, it is located under the separate TAB titled, “PROPHETIC.” Also, on that blog, in the MAIN section area, at the top of the HOME page, are listed "Conditions" for such usage.
Friday, June 17, 2011
Greetings -
about a visit that he received from Jehovah's Witnesses. This is a portion of what I commented there:
One thing that I will give them props about is that they DO habitual witnessing about their beliefs. I notice them outside the boundaries of houses of worship witnessing, whereas I don't notice many Christians out in communities knocking on doors...
We have mega churches but I sometimes question, "Where is the mega witnessing to unbelievers." A lot of people don't come to church. It could be immensely helpful if more Christians knocked on doors and/or stood outside of establishments to witness about JESUS.
I have been a Christian for many years and cannot recall but a couple of instances when Christians knocked on my door. And I don't know of any other Christians who have had Christians to knock on their doors to witness of the gospel of the kingdom of GOD.
In the times that we live in, I believe that it's wise to knock on doors in pairs or groups. That is typically how JW's show up to witness. In public places, I believe that solo witnessing is reasonable.
Noted below are two other ways that our Lord led me to witness. Twice this year, due to storm conditions, our power went out for more than a few hours.
Someone criticized me for pattern mixing, polka dots with stripes, as shown in the photo below. Some folks don't like pattern mixing but it CAN work if done with fashion flavor appeal. Ok, so some folks don't like it, regardless. As the saying goes, "Different strokes for different folks."
Years, ago, my then boyfriend objected to my pattern mixing tastes. I said to him something like, "I like it. I won't wear such when we are together but otherwise, I'll continue to wear pattern mixing fashions." He wasn't fond of the alternative offered. It continued because my offer was fair and reasonable.
I heard a pastor say that he notices Christian women who wear no makeup and Christian women who wear too much makeup.
Then there are the stories of Christian women and others of course, who look drab with no fashion flavor and at the other extreme, those who are flamboyant and as such, the clothes are wearing them rather than them wearing the clothes. Both extremes can be unappealing. Drab or excess - neither is attractive fashion flavor.
Back in the day, I was a fashionista, and a fashion consultant of sorts. No, of course, my tastes don't appeal to all.
Here is what works well for me:
- I'm inclined to patterns that never go out of style. Those patterns are pinstripes and regular stripes, polka dots, checks, plaids, houndstooth, tweed, and paisley. Also, basic colors never go out of style unlike some other colors. Flowers and fussy prints date and go out of style quickly.
- Sometimes, I'll get blouses and button down shirts that are outside the realm of the basic color/pattern realms, but hardly ever do I purchase pants and skirts that are other than black, navy, beige, red, or white or in patterns that also don't go out of style, such as plaid, pinstriped, houndstooth, and tweed. As for t-shirts, I'll go with them in just about any color.
- Bows, ruffles, and ornamental clothing also date and go out of style quickly. Let me pause here to state that I'm fifty-six years old and have developed some tastes that are age appropriate. For the most part, this fashion post is NOT for youth because, typically, they are on quests to find themselves and so more fashion exploration and edgy displays are understandable for them. By edgy, I don't mean revealing, and tight fitting attire. That isn't attractive on anyone.
- Sensible heels to me are about two inches or less. Rarely, do I go higher. Foot doctors strongly advise against unwise high heels. I believe that is three inches or higher. When I was young, I purchased tight shoes and wore them to break them in. At a certain stage, years ago, that ceased. Back then, a shoe salesman advised me that I could later break in some tight shoes that I had tried on. I told him that if they didn't break in while I was in the store that I would be breaking out of there without them. These many years later, I adhere to that. If shoes aren't comfortable on me in the store, they stay there.
- Relative to accessories, extreme isn't tasteful. And please forgive me but I must ask, who told women that those earrings larger than bracelets look good?!
- It's a big time saver to have a wardrobe where the majority of clothing/accessories match and color coordinate with one another. I'm not inclined anymore to expend energy on figuring out what may match and coordinate together. Fashion color coordination exercises no longer appeal to me. Years ago, I ceased because more meaningful things now have priority. I easily know what matches black and the other basic colors. That is why the bulk of my wardrobe is black with colors that match it. When it's too hot for black, I do white, off-white, tan, blue, etc. I easily know what matches them, as well. Wardrobe simplification is a big budget saver, as well.
Here is the link to a previous fashion themed post
Last Sunday morning I sat in a public area that has benches and tables. For about an hour, I sat there and read my Bible and complimented people on their appearance, as our Lord led. For the most part, people were receptive. I didn't do any "preaching" - just complimenting people, and reading my Bible silently.
One thing that I will give them props about is that they DO habitual witnessing about their beliefs. I notice them outside the boundaries of houses of worship witnessing, whereas I don't notice many Christians out in communities knocking on doors...
We have mega churches but I sometimes question, "Where is the mega witnessing to unbelievers." A lot of people don't come to church. It could be immensely helpful if more Christians knocked on doors and/or stood outside of establishments to witness about JESUS.
I have been a Christian for many years and cannot recall but a couple of instances when Christians knocked on my door. And I don't know of any other Christians who have had Christians to knock on their doors to witness of the gospel of the kingdom of GOD.
In the times that we live in, I believe that it's wise to knock on doors in pairs or groups. That is typically how JW's show up to witness. In public places, I believe that solo witnessing is reasonable.
Noted below are two other ways that our Lord led me to witness. Twice this year, due to storm conditions, our power went out for more than a few hours.
Incident #1
During the outage, for more than a half hour, I prayed out loud and praised the Lord. Later that week, my downstairs neighbor, a Christian, told me that she heard me praising the Lord during our power outage. It is likely that my other neighbors heard me, as well. Praise the Lord.
Incident #2
During the outage, I praised the Lord and loudly sang with the gospel songs that I played on my battery operated CD player. And during the outage, I talked on the phone to two of my Christian friends. We had lengthy conversations. I didn't tell either one of them that I was without power and sweltering in the heat. I fanned with my hand fan and conversed joyfully about our Lord.
Later I continued to sing. Some people started setting off firecrackers directly outside my open window. The noise was very loud - booming. It is likely that they heard me loudly singing and praising our Lord. My guess is that they weren't fond of my giving glory to GOD. The neighborhood was in the dark but my singing wasn't embraced. I wonder why - smiles. The firecracker noise continued. I sang louder. The firecracker noise stopped before my singing did.
As the hours went on, I said out loud to our Lord something like, "Lord, I pray in the name of JESUS that You will have this power to come on when You are ready." The desire of our hearts needs to be, Lord, thy will be done. I knew that GOD was in charge... He ALWAYS prevails.
Please share here some of the ways that you witness to unbelievers. Also, please share if you know of Christians who knock on doors to witness of our Lord and/or who stand outside of establishments or in other public places to witness about GOD. Thank you.
Below is a continuation of what I wrote about fashion.
Below is a continuation of what I wrote about fashion.
Years, ago, my then boyfriend objected to my pattern mixing tastes. I said to him something like, "I like it. I won't wear such when we are together but otherwise, I'll continue to wear pattern mixing fashions." He wasn't fond of the alternative offered. It continued because my offer was fair and reasonable.
I heard a pastor say that he notices Christian women who wear no makeup and Christian women who wear too much makeup.
Then there are the stories of Christian women and others of course, who look drab with no fashion flavor and at the other extreme, those who are flamboyant and as such, the clothes are wearing them rather than them wearing the clothes. Both extremes can be unappealing. Drab or excess - neither is attractive fashion flavor.
Back in the day, I was a fashionista, and a fashion consultant of sorts. No, of course, my tastes don't appeal to all.
Here is what works well for me:
- I'm inclined to patterns that never go out of style. Those patterns are pinstripes and regular stripes, polka dots, checks, plaids, houndstooth, tweed, and paisley. Also, basic colors never go out of style unlike some other colors. Flowers and fussy prints date and go out of style quickly.
- Sometimes, I'll get blouses and button down shirts that are outside the realm of the basic color/pattern realms, but hardly ever do I purchase pants and skirts that are other than black, navy, beige, red, or white or in patterns that also don't go out of style, such as plaid, pinstriped, houndstooth, and tweed. As for t-shirts, I'll go with them in just about any color.
- Bows, ruffles, and ornamental clothing also date and go out of style quickly. Let me pause here to state that I'm fifty-six years old and have developed some tastes that are age appropriate. For the most part, this fashion post is NOT for youth because, typically, they are on quests to find themselves and so more fashion exploration and edgy displays are understandable for them. By edgy, I don't mean revealing, and tight fitting attire. That isn't attractive on anyone.
- Sensible heels to me are about two inches or less. Rarely, do I go higher. Foot doctors strongly advise against unwise high heels. I believe that is three inches or higher. When I was young, I purchased tight shoes and wore them to break them in. At a certain stage, years ago, that ceased. Back then, a shoe salesman advised me that I could later break in some tight shoes that I had tried on. I told him that if they didn't break in while I was in the store that I would be breaking out of there without them. These many years later, I adhere to that. If shoes aren't comfortable on me in the store, they stay there.
- Relative to accessories, extreme isn't tasteful. And please forgive me but I must ask, who told women that those earrings larger than bracelets look good?!
- It's a big time saver to have a wardrobe where the majority of clothing/accessories match and color coordinate with one another. I'm not inclined anymore to expend energy on figuring out what may match and coordinate together. Fashion color coordination exercises no longer appeal to me. Years ago, I ceased because more meaningful things now have priority. I easily know what matches black and the other basic colors. That is why the bulk of my wardrobe is black with colors that match it. When it's too hot for black, I do white, off-white, tan, blue, etc. I easily know what matches them, as well. Wardrobe simplification is a big budget saver, as well.
Sandra at the Arboretum in Washington, D.C. |
Below the focus is on accessories.
Scarf around neck of dress |
Same scarf as a "flower" that can be pinned to a lapel |
Scarf tied in knot and placed around neck of dress |
Same scarf tied around a hat |
Belts some in patent leather with patent leather shoes One reason that I love patent leather is because it is low maintenance It doesn't need to be shined |
Striped top orange capri pants |
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Me from back in the day |
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Back in the day |
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Back in the day |
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Back in the day |
Black hat, belt orange top army capri pants |
Bandana around neck of jean dress |
Lacy top |
NOTE: My excerpted comment below is a response to a comment on my Wednesday June 15, 2011, post titled, "FLAVOR IN FASHION." I replied to Mining for Diamonds who mentioned that she sought the Lord about whether she could wear makeup. My excerpted response, plus some words that I added here:
Also, I'm glad that you sought the Lord and that He allows you to wear makeup - smiles. I get to wear some, too. My belief is that makeup should be applied to accent and to complement. Too much of it is NOT at all appealing. Praise the Lord for makeup permission, and for His permission to dress modestly - with flavor.
A lot of the so-called Christian don't's are more religion and bondage than Spirit of GOD led. I say this in love - I've met "Christians" who dress and look dry, and who also have dry attitudes. Translation = not flowing in love. They "embrace" their dry appearances as holiness. In that regard, holiness can be a title but NOT a lifestyle. Love and TRUE holiness are the most important to our Lord. WITHOUT LOVE, WE ARE NOTHING - DRY OR WET....
You were so on point to seek the Lord about the makeup matter. He leads us all uniquely...
- FYI - You're invited to obtain my e-books. Also, I invite you to read my free offerings. Here is the link for additional information.
- FYI - You're invited to obtain my e-books. Also, I invite you to read my free offerings. Here is the link for additional information.
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Greetings -
This isn't my typical post type but our Lord told me to write tonight on fashion. Back in the day, I was a fashion consultant of sorts. Fashion is in my bloodline - smiles. My father, in his day, was voted best dressed...
Anyhow, when I was in the world, I was considered one of the best dressed in my circle. When I became a Christian more than thirty years ago, fashion continued to be a favorite "occupation" of mine. Well, as I grew in our Lord, He informed me that I had allowed fashion to become a god in my life. Ouch!
It took years for me to be purged of that obsession. About five or six years ago, our Lord told me to streamline and to simplify my wardrobe. My three favorite colors, in order, are black, red and white with animal prints close in there. Our Lord told me to streamline with those colors as my base with other colors used, sparingly, as accent pieces.
Our Lord has given me permission to keep it real here so here goes. It is due, I believe, to ignorance and lack of teaching, that some Christian women dress homely and unattractive. They define modest as dry in appearance. On the other hand, some Christian women are at the other extreme. They dress flamboyantly with, in my opinion, too much going on. There's a balance to be struck.
We can be holy and dress with flavor and appeal. Recently, I saw a photo of Jane Fonda, who is in her seventies. She was dressed in a stunning figure flattering gown and she rocked in it! The gown wasn't revealing. She looked gorgeous. In contrast, I saw photos of younger celebrity women with thigh high slits in their gowns, breast exposure, etc. Jane, in her seventies looked stunning, and they didn't. My heart goes out to those who dress revealingly, because they obviously don't know...
I admire the fashion choices of older women who dress to complement the mature age ranges - no unappealing short garments, or youthful looking attire. Instead our choices are pieces that are flattering for the mature in age - attractive, stylish, classic, and chic.
When I view some of the fashions worn by some of the celebrities, I wonder. I wish for appealing fashion makeovers for most of them. A few exceptions are Halle Barry, Renee Zellweger, and Nicole Kidman though they have made their rare poor fashion choices - haven't we all?
And what is up with all of these hair extensions? When did real hair go out of style? - not for all but for a bunch of folks? Understandably, some folks need to wear wigs and hair extensions. What is up, though, with those who have healthy hair yet habitually wear artificial and human hair additions?
Anyhow, I built a rather extensive wardrobe when I had my good government jobs. Our Lord led me to shed a bunch of it. What I still have are items that fit the base that our Lord led me to favor. Nearly everything in my wardrobe matches or complements black.
It is such that I can devote more time to our Lord, and time to more meaningful endeavors, as I no longer indulge in complex wardrobe decisions. I know that black shoes go with almost everything in my wardrobe. The same for black bags. I use accessories such as scarves, hats, and jewelry to accent my base pieces.
After my black family of pieces, blue, and khaki pieces are close seconds. I now firmly believe in flavorful no fuss dressing.
We all have our styles and it isn't expected that we all will like the same things. I do believe, though, that each of us should have a signature style. Wisely, fashion selections are good choices if the bulk of wardrobes consist of pieces that mix and match well with each other. Less can be more.
What is your signature style?
Here are some fashion photos from my "collection" and one from a stranger that I met who graciously allowed me to photograph her outfit. She didn't want her face shown on my blog so I snapped her from the neck down.
Notes: In the U.S., flower patterns date quickly. Classic patterns that don't go out of style are houndstooth, checks, paisley, polka dots, stripes, pinstripes...
This isn't my typical post type but our Lord told me to write tonight on fashion. Back in the day, I was a fashion consultant of sorts. Fashion is in my bloodline - smiles. My father, in his day, was voted best dressed...
Anyhow, when I was in the world, I was considered one of the best dressed in my circle. When I became a Christian more than thirty years ago, fashion continued to be a favorite "occupation" of mine. Well, as I grew in our Lord, He informed me that I had allowed fashion to become a god in my life. Ouch!
It took years for me to be purged of that obsession. About five or six years ago, our Lord told me to streamline and to simplify my wardrobe. My three favorite colors, in order, are black, red and white with animal prints close in there. Our Lord told me to streamline with those colors as my base with other colors used, sparingly, as accent pieces.
Our Lord has given me permission to keep it real here so here goes. It is due, I believe, to ignorance and lack of teaching, that some Christian women dress homely and unattractive. They define modest as dry in appearance. On the other hand, some Christian women are at the other extreme. They dress flamboyantly with, in my opinion, too much going on. There's a balance to be struck.
We can be holy and dress with flavor and appeal. Recently, I saw a photo of Jane Fonda, who is in her seventies. She was dressed in a stunning figure flattering gown and she rocked in it! The gown wasn't revealing. She looked gorgeous. In contrast, I saw photos of younger celebrity women with thigh high slits in their gowns, breast exposure, etc. Jane, in her seventies looked stunning, and they didn't. My heart goes out to those who dress revealingly, because they obviously don't know...
I admire the fashion choices of older women who dress to complement the mature age ranges - no unappealing short garments, or youthful looking attire. Instead our choices are pieces that are flattering for the mature in age - attractive, stylish, classic, and chic.
When I view some of the fashions worn by some of the celebrities, I wonder. I wish for appealing fashion makeovers for most of them. A few exceptions are Halle Barry, Renee Zellweger, and Nicole Kidman though they have made their rare poor fashion choices - haven't we all?
And what is up with all of these hair extensions? When did real hair go out of style? - not for all but for a bunch of folks? Understandably, some folks need to wear wigs and hair extensions. What is up, though, with those who have healthy hair yet habitually wear artificial and human hair additions?
Anyhow, I built a rather extensive wardrobe when I had my good government jobs. Our Lord led me to shed a bunch of it. What I still have are items that fit the base that our Lord led me to favor. Nearly everything in my wardrobe matches or complements black.
It is such that I can devote more time to our Lord, and time to more meaningful endeavors, as I no longer indulge in complex wardrobe decisions. I know that black shoes go with almost everything in my wardrobe. The same for black bags. I use accessories such as scarves, hats, and jewelry to accent my base pieces.
After my black family of pieces, blue, and khaki pieces are close seconds. I now firmly believe in flavorful no fuss dressing.
We all have our styles and it isn't expected that we all will like the same things. I do believe, though, that each of us should have a signature style. Wisely, fashion selections are good choices if the bulk of wardrobes consist of pieces that mix and match well with each other. Less can be more.
What is your signature style?
Here are some fashion photos from my "collection" and one from a stranger that I met who graciously allowed me to photograph her outfit. She didn't want her face shown on my blog so I snapped her from the neck down.
Notes: In the U.S., flower patterns date quickly. Classic patterns that don't go out of style are houndstooth, checks, paisley, polka dots, stripes, pinstripes...
Striped top |
Skirt with scarf as belt |
Hat with flower pinned to it |
Flower pinned on blouse |
Bandana tied through jean belt loop |
Scarves |
Accent color blouse It stretches a lot |
Denim skirt |
Army pants |
Denim jeans |
Polka blouse Polka pants |
Accent color top |
Animal print blouse with pinstriped capri pants |
Top and black skirt |
Blouse |
Polka blouse black skirt |
Red top with capri pants |
Paisley capri pants |
Animal print skirt |
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Greetings -
Scriptures from the King James Bible
Confession added this a.m., Monday June 13, 2011, relative to post that was done last night as shown below in blue text:
I did this post last night. Early this a.m. I considered deleting it because I didn't believe that it had much of value to express. It mentions Holy Ghost revolution but I didn't believe that the post had enough substance... When I wrote and posted it, it was clear to me that our Lord told me to do it, but after I read it there were doubts. How dare me doubt GOD! Lord, and people, please forgive me.
Anyhow this a.m., when I thought to delete this post, I clearly heard our Lord tell me to leave it on here.
Well, imagine my surprise when afterwards, this a.m., I got an e-mail from Dr. Michael Brown, PhD, with the topic, "THE REVOLUTION WON'T WAIT." That is going to be the topic of discussion on his radio program today! Dr. Brown doesn't know me and the reason that I received the e-mail from him is because some months ago, I went on his website and requested to be added to his e-mail newsletter listing.
Dr. Brown is a born-again Messianic Jew. His website says, "He is widely considered to be the world's foremost Messianic Jewish apologist." I have read at least one of his books, What Do Jewish People Think about Jesus? and recommend his material. If you are so inclined, you can listen to his REVOLUTION message on It can be heard live or later, on demand, on the subject site.
Below is my post topic posted last night,
"THE DEVIL-UTION IS UNDER OUR FEET." The subject post gave me doubts until I read this a.m. that Dr. Brown's radio topic today is "THE REVOLUTION WON'T WAIT." Thank You, Lord, that I obeyed You and didn't delete this post.
The devil-ution is on a mission to devour and to subdue the purposes of GOD.
But Ah! - There is a Holy Ghost revolution in the mix and it REPRESENTS...
What does it represent? It represents GOD Almighty, the Father of lights, the Lord of hosts, the GOD of gods, the GOD of the armies of Israel, the ROCK of ages, the Ancient of days, the Master of all - He is GOD. What's His name? The great I AM - the same, yesterday, today and forever. The ruler, the King of glory, the Strength of Israel, the Majesty on High, the Judge of all, the Greatest, the GOD of the holy prophets, good GOD Almighty, and the invincible, indestructible, incorruptible, unstoppable Lord who is brilliant and incomparable in His glorious splendor.
Holy evolution and revolution versus the
devil-ution. GOD wins!
Do you wish to engage?
Rocket power, flaming holy charges, glowing spectacular displays of righteousness, manifold blessings, abundant favor, showers from the fountain of living waters.
Drink of the potent liquids that flow from the rivers of divine provisions, dwell in the secret place, praise from the highest heights, dance in fluid movements, sing with robust freedom, shout the victories, triumph gloriously, fight good fights of faith, sound the trumpets, and explode with bountiful gladness.
This is holy revolution versus the devil-lution.
GOD THE CHAMPION reigns. The holy revolution has entered a new phase - a more powerful phase - for those who choose to engage.
The devil-ution is trounced. Defeated and under our feet - NOW in this life. Thy will be done, Lord, in earth as it is in heaven.
Let Your Holy Ghost fire go and glow in unprecedented ways with love, faith, boldness, and glorious manifestations of Your power through us Your vessels of honor for You, our magnificent KING!
Luke 9:1
...and gave them power and authority over all devils,...
Luke 12:35
Let your loins be girded about, and your lights burning;
2nd update
I received this e-mail this afternoon from a friend who doesn't usually read my blog content. Today I felt led by our Lord to share this particular post with her. This is her response:
Monday, June 13, 2011 4:09 PM
"Hi -
"Thank you for sharing your blog. I had to forward this to my pastor. Part of his sermon was on Revolution."
Sandra's note:
Today, Tuesday June 14, 2011, I e-mailed my friend to ask her when her pastor preached on revolution. At 2:29 p.m. today, this is what she e-mailed in response:
"It was this past Sunday. He preached from Acts 2
vs 1-21. He was saying that (we the church) need a revolution for Christ.
"There is a song by Arrested Development called Revolution. He had us sing Revolution at the end of his sermon. At least part of it. He was saying Revolution and repeated it back to him.
"That’s why I was surprised when I saw your email."
I wonder what our Lord is doing, people, with His revolution matter?!
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- Warfare Solutions Loaded with the Lion of Judah
- Zest and Gusto in Christian Short Stories
- Championship Conduct - Excel in Care, Courtesy and Customer Service
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Greetings -
Scriptures are from the King James Bible.
I began this as a response to a comment relative to the post directly below this one titled, "WINNING STRATEGIES." Our Lord told me to do it, instead, as a new post.
Yes, Satan hates it when we give glory to GOD so we should do it, in earnest, on the regular. Satan is a strategic highly intelligent being so we must be mindful that our weaponry cannot be formulaic because he comes against us in various crafty ways. His cunning character is not to be underestimated nor should his power be overestimated. It is wise to be aware of his devices. 2 Corinthians 2:11 states, "Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices."
Satan can lash out angrily when we glorify GOD or he can turn on his "charm." He is described in 2 Corinthians 11:14, "...for Satan himself is transformed as an angel of light." He has numerous adverse tactics but none can conquer the warfare power of GOD.
He can come on to us like he means well and is on our side only to strike menacingly. He is cunning and can lure and seduce with his "charming" traps.
Listen to his laughter from his host vessels - his children. It has a wicked tone versus holy laughter which has a free pure tone.
It is likely that Satan used a "charming" tone when he seduced Eve. Genesis 3:1, "Now the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made. And he said unto the woman, Yea, hath God said,.."
Others may have experienced people speaking to them in "charming" tones but the Holy Ghost alerted that it was demonic in intent. I have had strangers, and others, including professing Christians, speak to me with words, charming in tone that led our Lord to warn to beware.
Someone asked me one day why strangers come against me when they don't even know me. My response, "The devil in them knows the GOD in me." Battles operate in the spirit realm. Many Christians don't delve much into such realms for revelatory knowledge about spiritual wickedness in high places. Ephesians 6:12 states, "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."
There is no formulaic way to deal with Satan's assaults. We must do, as led by the Spirit of GOD because only GOD can guide us as to what to do, when and how for any given case or situation. In essence, we gain our specific warfare tactics from our Lord on a case by case basis. He shares with us what we need to know on a need to know basis. Of course, we must also daily pursue guidance through His Word and prayer with hearts that aim to steadfastly do according to GOD's will. We must, though, be steadfastly aware of the leading of the Spirit. It can become a matter of life and death to hear and to heed what the Spirit of GOD is saying relative to all aspects of our lives.
The prevail aspect is that when we have pure hearts and clean hands, we are more than conquerors and are well able to overcome all the fiery darts of the wicked.
Romans 8:37
Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors, through him that loved us.
Numbers 13:30
And Caleb stilled the people before Moses, and said, Let us go up at once, and possess it; for we are well able to overcome it.
Ephesians 6:16 shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.
It is advisable to learn about spiritual warfare on deeper levels. And for those who are ignorant about it, please seek our Lord to learn about the matter. This week I heard a Christian on TBN state that some sort of study or survey had been done and the findings were that 65% of Christians don't believe in the devil. Of course, we know that many people profess to be Christians but upon deeper probing, it is discovered that what they have is a Christian label with no evidence of holy lifestyles. Anyhow, when I heard that percentage, I was more than a little surprised and disturbed.
Satan uses ignorance to his advantage. We cannot afford to surrender opportunities to him because we fear or have postures of spiritual laziness. It has become increasingly perilous to be lukewarm, carnal and asleep on the watch. We are called to wake from spiritual slumber, and to occupy until our Lord comes.
Isaiah 56:10
His watchmen are blind: they are all ignorant, they are all dumb dogs, they cannot bark; sleeping, lying down, loving to slumber.
Luke 19:13
...Occupy till I come.
Lord, please help us through Your love, power and Holy Ghost anointing, to be aware of the devices of Satan and to effectively conquer, subdue and besiege the forces of evil, corruption and perversion. We need to be ever more vigilant and diligent about perfecting holiness because evil is waxing worse and worse. As such, to advance Your kingdom, we need to wax brighter and brighter in glorious holy splendor. Your Words in Mark 16:20 say, "And they went forth, and preached every where, the Lord working with them, and confirming the word with signs following." Please let Your signs follow us, Lord, as we willingly yield to Your will. And let us be mindful that we must exercise love in our warfare actions - for without love we are nothing. Thank You, Lord - Amen.
Written Thursday June 9, 2011
Copyright 2011
- FYI - You're invited to obtain my e-books. Also, I invite you to read my free offerings. Here is the link for additional information.
You don't need e-readers to read e-books; they can also be read online.
Scriptures are from the King James Bible.
I began this as a response to a comment relative to the post directly below this one titled, "WINNING STRATEGIES." Our Lord told me to do it, instead, as a new post.
Yes, Satan hates it when we give glory to GOD so we should do it, in earnest, on the regular. Satan is a strategic highly intelligent being so we must be mindful that our weaponry cannot be formulaic because he comes against us in various crafty ways. His cunning character is not to be underestimated nor should his power be overestimated. It is wise to be aware of his devices. 2 Corinthians 2:11 states, "Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices."
Satan can lash out angrily when we glorify GOD or he can turn on his "charm." He is described in 2 Corinthians 11:14, "...for Satan himself is transformed as an angel of light." He has numerous adverse tactics but none can conquer the warfare power of GOD.
He can come on to us like he means well and is on our side only to strike menacingly. He is cunning and can lure and seduce with his "charming" traps.
Listen to his laughter from his host vessels - his children. It has a wicked tone versus holy laughter which has a free pure tone.
It is likely that Satan used a "charming" tone when he seduced Eve. Genesis 3:1, "Now the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made. And he said unto the woman, Yea, hath God said,.."
Others may have experienced people speaking to them in "charming" tones but the Holy Ghost alerted that it was demonic in intent. I have had strangers, and others, including professing Christians, speak to me with words, charming in tone that led our Lord to warn to beware.
Someone asked me one day why strangers come against me when they don't even know me. My response, "The devil in them knows the GOD in me." Battles operate in the spirit realm. Many Christians don't delve much into such realms for revelatory knowledge about spiritual wickedness in high places. Ephesians 6:12 states, "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."
There is no formulaic way to deal with Satan's assaults. We must do, as led by the Spirit of GOD because only GOD can guide us as to what to do, when and how for any given case or situation. In essence, we gain our specific warfare tactics from our Lord on a case by case basis. He shares with us what we need to know on a need to know basis. Of course, we must also daily pursue guidance through His Word and prayer with hearts that aim to steadfastly do according to GOD's will. We must, though, be steadfastly aware of the leading of the Spirit. It can become a matter of life and death to hear and to heed what the Spirit of GOD is saying relative to all aspects of our lives.
The prevail aspect is that when we have pure hearts and clean hands, we are more than conquerors and are well able to overcome all the fiery darts of the wicked.
Romans 8:37
Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors, through him that loved us.
Numbers 13:30
And Caleb stilled the people before Moses, and said, Let us go up at once, and possess it; for we are well able to overcome it.
Ephesians 6:16 shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.
It is advisable to learn about spiritual warfare on deeper levels. And for those who are ignorant about it, please seek our Lord to learn about the matter. This week I heard a Christian on TBN state that some sort of study or survey had been done and the findings were that 65% of Christians don't believe in the devil. Of course, we know that many people profess to be Christians but upon deeper probing, it is discovered that what they have is a Christian label with no evidence of holy lifestyles. Anyhow, when I heard that percentage, I was more than a little surprised and disturbed.
Satan uses ignorance to his advantage. We cannot afford to surrender opportunities to him because we fear or have postures of spiritual laziness. It has become increasingly perilous to be lukewarm, carnal and asleep on the watch. We are called to wake from spiritual slumber, and to occupy until our Lord comes.
Isaiah 56:10
His watchmen are blind: they are all ignorant, they are all dumb dogs, they cannot bark; sleeping, lying down, loving to slumber.
Luke 19:13
...Occupy till I come.
Lord, please help us through Your love, power and Holy Ghost anointing, to be aware of the devices of Satan and to effectively conquer, subdue and besiege the forces of evil, corruption and perversion. We need to be ever more vigilant and diligent about perfecting holiness because evil is waxing worse and worse. As such, to advance Your kingdom, we need to wax brighter and brighter in glorious holy splendor. Your Words in Mark 16:20 say, "And they went forth, and preached every where, the Lord working with them, and confirming the word with signs following." Please let Your signs follow us, Lord, as we willingly yield to Your will. And let us be mindful that we must exercise love in our warfare actions - for without love we are nothing. Thank You, Lord - Amen.
Written Thursday June 9, 2011
Copyright 2011
- FYI - You're invited to obtain my e-books. Also, I invite you to read my free offerings. Here is the link for additional information.
You don't need e-readers to read e-books; they can also be read online.
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