I wrote the content on this blog with sincere and holy intentions with the knowledge that I had at the time... We live, learn and errors are exposed and more truths are revealed...

Only GOD is perfect. It's vital that you seek the Lord to expose any errors that you've embraced. Please ask Him to expose any areas of darkness to you and for what is necessary to do to dispossess what's NOT of truth.



Flames of fire dance joyfully as dreams of fervor conjure up images of red hot passion for the gusto of life.

Sizzle, spark, explode -

Fireballs light up the sky. Wow! a thunder flash with a clap -

The flames are vivid with the awesome glow of orange colors blended with yellow highlights that accent the blaze.

This display is the bomb torched with a rocket plan. Such rapture has lit our fire. We are dynamite on this journey.

Come on fire, fall on us. Pour your liquid potency. Ignite our souls that we may be engulfed with magnified intensity.

Blow up our hearts. Dance with us....


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Saturday, September 18, 2010


Greetings -

What is your belief relative to an ideal Sunday School setting?  Is your belief that the teacher should call on students for answers as happens in regular schools?  Or is your belief that the teacher should do all of the talking while the students learn in silence?  Should it be participatory where there is class engagement with questions asked by students and answers given by, not necessarily, the teacher but others who may know? 

My belief is that it should be participatory with exchanges between the attendees, including the teacher.  I do not picture JESUS teaching and doing all of the talking.  I believe that He was receptive to and answered questions when He taught during His years on earth in flesh form.  Sure, the teacher should facilitate, and aim to keep communications orderly, but shouldn't students be requested to give answers and to ask questions?  After all, it is school.  Isn't student participation a way to determine whether the students are getting it?


  1. I tend to agree with you, that Sunday School should be participatory.

  2. I like some participation; however, in my experience, there are always a few who talk too much and a few don't participate.

    I like for a class to set some rules for discussion and quickly review them before each class. One rule I like is: If you haven't read/ completed the lesson for today, please try to refrain from adding to the discussion. After all, if they haven't completed the lesson, the only thing they can add will be ill-informed and probably off-topic.

  3. Greetings Cathy M. - Welcome!

    Your points are excellent. Moderation should be in place and you are right about the lack of lesson preparation matter.

    Thank you for weighing in...

  4. The homework thing is why I'm not in Bible Study Fellowship right now. With the homework I do all week for 3 college classes, I'm not able to complete a lesson as involved as that. Don't get me wrong. I do my own study of the Bible, and my own reading of the Bible, but having to complete a bunch of questions for Sunday School would be too much for me. I guess I would have to make myself a wall flower.

  5. The world is not linear. It is circular - all parts interdependent with the other. Therefore we should approach all parts of life in Spirit.

  6. This came to me via e-mail from Karen:

    Derek & Karen Gross to me
    show details 9:51 PM (48 minutes ago)

    My idea of an ideal SS class is one where the students participate and discuss, but the teacher or moderator needs to be in control to stay on topic and not get offensive.

  7. In the Book of Acts, the disciples were given "Sunday School" lessons by the apostles at the Temple. I'm sure the students didn't have much to say because they were so new to the faith.

    Later, when they were going house to house with the breaking of bread and prayers, you can bet they were discussing what had been taught. They all heard, but they all didn't hear it quite the same way. Some of it had heavier impact depending upon the person's experience.

    Even later still, there was the practicum where they were to DO what the teachers had taught and shown by example. During Jesus' ministry, the teaching and practicum were all mingled. During the book of Acts, God the Holy Spirit had to send them down the road with persecution!

    I find it frustrating to sit in church classes and listen to people share ignorance. If I share too much of my own experience, I'm told I "talk too much about myself." The level of maturity of the group is determined by the "leader" (pastor) of the group. I have been a nuisance in many classes by bringing up things that are beyond the group's level of maturity.

    I go from kook to "maybe he's got a point" back to kook again regularly.

  8. Hi Timothy -

    You are a holy, anointed, authorized son of GOD assigned by Him. The Lord's word for you is Galatians 1:11, "...I certify you,..." So my dear brother in Christ, you are certifiable by the Best!

    Our King JESUS was misunderstood. They said of Jesus in Luke 11:15, "...He casteth out devils through Beelzebub the chief of the devils." In Luke 8:53, they laughed JESUS to scorn before He raised the dead. No matter...He kept doing His assignments with purpose and complete love and devotion for the Father.

    And what about Jephthah, the son of an harlot in Judges 11? They cast him out for being the son of a "strange woman" (Judges 11:2) Later they came to get Jephthah to be their captain because they knew that he, the son of an harlot, had the anointed goods...Praise our Lord. And yeah, Jephthah handled GOD's business effectively...

    So Timothy, you are indeed an asset to the kingdom of our Almighty GOD. He is the Supreme Judge of all.

  9. This was sent to me via e-mail from Pastor G.:

    9:39 AM (1 hour ago)

    There is no one in Scripture that shows Jesus asking students for answers. He taught and was asked questions of the students. The only way a student should give answer is if the teaches invites them to do with foreknowledge that this person has the correct answer. It is imperative in this hour that students get the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth..Teaching in the body of Christ is a spiritual gift and those anointed with this gift should do the teaching. Period.

    Sandra's reply:

    Hi Pastor -

    Thank you for your comments. I appreciate it.

    Of course, in love, GOD's true worshippers sometimes disagree.

    You mentioned, "There is no one in Scripture that shows Jesus asking students for answers." "The only way a student should give answer is if the teaches invites them to do with foreknowledge that this person has the correct answer."

    In the Bible, I found instances where Jesus taught and asked questions of his students.


    Matthew 16:13
    ...Whom do men say that I the Son of man am?

    Matthew 16:15
    ...But whom say ye that I am?"

    Matthew 5:2
    And he opened his mouth, and taught them,...

    Matthew 5:46, 47
    For if ye love them which love you, what reward have ye? do not even the publicans the same?

    And if ye salute your brethren only, what do ye more than others? do not even the publicans so?

    Mark 2:13
    ...and he taught them.

    Mark 2:25, 26
    ...Have ye never read what David did, when he had need, and was an hungred, he, and they that were with him?

    Mark 4:2
    And he taught them...

    Mark 4:13
    ...Know ye not this parable?...

    JESUS taught and asked the students questions. I do not believe that prior to JESUS providing the answers, that the students always had the correct answers.

    Also, I recall from regular school, that students raise their hands to ask questions and to make statements. And when the teachers call on students there is not always foreknowlege that students know the answers.

    My belief is that we should be inter-active. Lots of people have preferences to be in participatory settings where more than the teachers get to comment and question. Of course, teachers need to maintain order... I have been in inter-active settings where teachers learn some things from students...

  10. i agree. i prefer, teacher/student interaction. teacher's aren't perfect and may learn some from the students.


Greetings -

Thank you for visiting and commenting. It is my pleasure to read from your heart places. We are all students and teachers and I so enjoy, precious people, the beneficial engagements with you.