I wrote the content on this blog with sincere and holy intentions with the knowledge that I had at the time... We live, learn and errors are exposed and more truths are revealed...

Only GOD is perfect. It's vital that you seek the Lord to expose any errors that you've embraced. Please ask Him to expose any areas of darkness to you and for what is necessary to do to dispossess what's NOT of truth.



Flames of fire dance joyfully as dreams of fervor conjure up images of red hot passion for the gusto of life.

Sizzle, spark, explode -

Fireballs light up the sky. Wow! a thunder flash with a clap -

The flames are vivid with the awesome glow of orange colors blended with yellow highlights that accent the blaze.

This display is the bomb torched with a rocket plan. Such rapture has lit our fire. We are dynamite on this journey.

Come on fire, fall on us. Pour your liquid potency. Ignite our souls that we may be engulfed with magnified intensity.

Blow up our hearts. Dance with us....


Copyright 2010


Copyright 2014 - Content on this blog, except content from the King James Holy Bible, which is in the public domain.

Also, excerpts from the works of other authors here is in compliance with section 107 - Fair Use - of the U.S. Copyright law - and/or by permission of the authors.

Note: You can certainly share content from this blog. At the end of each post, share options -- e-mail, Facebook, Twitter, etc. are listed. Each share option contains a link to this blog. Using the share options shown below each post does NOT violate copyright law - since links to this blog are included in the subject share options.

Additional note: Copyright law does allow others to use, without prior permission from original authors, brief excerpts from the work of original authors. Brief excerpts from this blog may be copied and pasted elsewhere, provided the name of the original authors be included in locations where you choose to post. Copying and pasting elsewhere - ENTIRE posts without the permission of original authors ISN'T in compliance with U.S. Copyright law.

If you elect to go beyond brief excerpts from this blog, please use the share options shown after each post. All of those options include links to this blog.

Thank you.

Sunday, October 31, 2010


Preview of what is on
new photo blog

Greetings on this our Lord's date. 

I have no tricks but I do have some treats! 

My new expanded photo blog has been launched. 

The previous blog, "PHOTORAMA" is, for the most part, retired from active service."  Also it requested a promotion from an "apartment" to a house/home.  The apartment was no longer sufficient for the photo expansion. The promotion request was granted.  The new name and new home address are:


Lots of new photos were added on Saturday 10/30 and Sunday 10/31.

Please go to and read the announcement on side bar on right of Home page screen. Thank you.

Note: "PHOTO SPLENDOR PLUS" is still under construction, but the foundation is built. I have yet to finish numbering the photos
and inserting descriptive information. The photos that I added on Saturday and Sunday have been numbered...

Also, for those who have already seen the older photos, please view the subject topic areas again as they have additions and modifications, etc. Please forgive that I have NOT finished numbering the older photos.

Note: There are pages of photos and I understand that time constraints may prevent some of you from viewing all at once. Please return when your schedules permit. Thank you.

Preview of some what I added Saturday and Sunday:

Photos of -

The Native American Museum
The Science Center in Baltimore, Maryland
A garden near the Smithsonian Institution
A banana tree (see "FAVORITES" tab)
A coconut tree ( "             "            " )
A space suit
A tab titled, "My Mom and Me"  

And there are two non photo tabs on "PHOTO SPLENDOR PLUS."  One of those tabs is called, "HEART SHOTS."  It will share information that encourages, and inspires.  The current topic there is "MY ADDICTION."  The other non photo tab there is "A SHORT STORY." It will be one short story of about 3 pages or less.

The subject stories aim to inspire and encourage.  The current story is "EXCESS CHANCES" about a young lady who carries excess weight.  The content under those two tabs will likely change about once a month.

Thank you for your consideration and indulgence.


Greetings -

Today is Halloween...

The blood bought children of the most High GOD celebrate, love, and worship the Father of spirits - Almighty Jehovah who rules in the kingdom of men and beyond - now and forever!

Thank You, JESUS, for Your precious shed blood on Calvary!

This was written in 2008...

(I do not spend unnecessary "energy" engaged in dialogue with Satan.  This was written as a message, as led by the Spirit.  The ideal is to dialogue frequently with GOD, and to quote the Word to Satan, as JESUS did (Matthew 4)...    

Warriors, Warriors - God’s recruits
This is not a physical fight
This is a spiritual fight -
A fight for souls - This is a soul fight

Ready – Aim – Fire – Arsenals - Weapons
Maps - Commands – Missives - Explosives

All in the spirit realm
It is massive deployment -
A recruitment of some of
the bravest, keenest, fiercely faithful soldiers
as has ever been united.

The rehearsal is over -
Man the battle stations
and shoot spiritual bullets -
Positioned ammunition that is ablaze
in the hands of those with vigor, and bravery -
Sharp-shooters with amazing aim
to accomplish bulls-eyes
in the power of Almighty God.

This transcends any battle
that has been fought before.
It will develop in proportions
unequaled in the annals of history.

This is a destined engagement
where life, and death hang in the balance
in a scope and dimension that is unparalleled.

No, Devil, God’s warriors are not afraid of you -
In fact, God ordains that you will fear who He will send -
those who stand at the ready to execute victories with precision
to nullify your attempts to destroy God’s people -
warriors to tear down your strongholds,
destroy your yokes, topple your dominion,
and overthrow your kingdom
in the name of Jesus Christ, the Lion of
the tribe of Juda who prevails!

You ain’t going to win, Devil,
and you know this - many of your people don’t know
because you have deceived them
but God shall deliver people from your vileness -

They are going to forsake you, Devil,
because God is going to impart to them
truth, knowledge, and wisdom, which will
bring them freedom from your
vicious and treacherous grip.

Satan, the infusion of God’s power in His warriors
will leave you frustrated, afraid, befuddled, and
astonished at this new wave of
undaunted, visionary, unflappable Christians
who shall approach battles with fervent certainty
to undo your wicked machinations.

“Warriors, Warriors” -
God has resounded with a clarion call
for awe-producing actions - -

Shall we waver, quiver, tremble or faint ? – no
Shall we conquer, topple, and defeat the Enemy? – yes

Devil, you sent out a call for engagement with your enemy forces.  You have assembled your best to defy God and His vigilant army - You declared war…

We accept your challenge -
We commence with the banner of love, converge with the blood of Jesus, we march with the faith of our God, and the courage of His convictions.

We are arrayed in the full armor of God
knowing whose we are, and whom we serve
and that in Him we live, and move, and have our being.

We will shake you off, and feel no harm
because greater is He that is in us
than he that is in the world -
We are fully persuaded that
we are more than conquerors
through Him that loves us.

We have been endowed with
a fresh awareness of our status in God
We are heirs, joint-heirs with Christ
precious, peculiar, and blood-bought children of the
only everlasting God.

For we know Him, for we are from Him and He hath sent us. We know the power of His resurrection, and the fellowship of His sufferings -

We know that the Word of God is quick, and powerful
and sharper than any two-edged sword.
We purpose to use every spiritual weapon
that our Father God puts at our disposal
to conquer your deceptive powers
in the souls of those who are predestinated people of God.

No, devil, you ain’t going to win!


© Copyright August 20, 2008 

Saturday, October 30, 2010


Greetings -

Ref: Photo blog

More photos were posted today, titled, "MEMORIAL, BUILDINGS, AND MORE DESERT PLANTS."

Also, PHOTORAMA has about run out of space so soon my photos will move out of their apartment into a single family home.  The home already has a new name to be revealed soon.  Some of the photos from PHOTORAMA will move to the new home.  And for space saving purposes, the photos in the new home will probably be on exhibit for a "season" and then be removed to make room for new ones.  Enjoy the views while viewable.

Stay tuned... 

Thank you for your indulgence.  

Friday, October 29, 2010


Greetings -

I have posted four posts today.  They are:

"SCRIPTURE JOY" (four scriptures)

New photos were posted on my photo blog PHOTORAMA at

"7 UPS- QUIZUPS" has been posted. Today's quiz and last week's answers are shown under tab, "7 UPS - QUIZUPS."

Please read Announcements on side bar on right side of screen.

Thank you for your indulgence.


Greetings -

Scriptures from the King James Bible

Numbers 12:1,2
And Miriam and Aaron spake against Moses...

...And the Lord heard it.

Numbers 12:8, 9
With him will I speak mouth to mouth, even apparently, and not in dark speeches; and the similitude of the Lord shall he behold: wherefore then were ye not afraid to speak against my servant Moses?

And the anger of the Lord was kindled against them;...  


Greetings -

New photos have been placed on my photo blog PHOTORAMA/PLUS at

Please visit and enjoy the view of desert plant life.

Thank you for your indulgence.


For the word of God is quick, and powerful
and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing
even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit,
and of the joints and marrow, and is a
discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.
Hebrews 4:12

Greetings -

For those who need to, unsheathe your rusty swords, people. We need to keep them maintained, and at the ready.  It is not enough to possess the sword of the Spirit. It is to be used in precise measures. Keep it exercised in union with the whole armour of God. The Devil skillfully uses words, and actions to attack us. We are to expertly counter his words and deeds with more skillful usage of the Word of God with signs following. Our distinction is that when we please God, our words are delivered with a force of power that the Devil cannot conquer. We are more than conquerors through Him that loves us. There is no way that Satan can overthrow children of God who are in the perfect will of our Father.

Remember that the Devil quoted scripture to Jesus. Jesus responded to Satan with scriptures. (Matthew 4). The awesome difference was that Jesus, with his uttered scriptures, had the incomparable benefit of the force, and power of our Father God. Jesus fed the Devil what the Devil ate with contempt for what was from the menu but he had no choice but to digest it. Satan had nothing delectable on that front.

Holy Christians always have the advantage – always. The Devil talks trash because he is trash. Who are we? What does the word of God say? In 1 Peter 2:9, it says, “But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should show forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvelous light:.” We are who God says that we are. We need to act like we know this pure truth with proof evident that we have embraced that profound awareness imparted to us by God. How has God positioned us? We shall cleave to the revelation of righteousness.

We do not owe any allegiance to Satan. We need to operate with absolute certainty that we are kept by Almighty God who is completely fearless in the face of the Devil. Our role is to be living, walking examples of the identity of God – as we are created in His image. He abides in us – our charge is to prove to Satan that we know whose we are, and who we serve. God is working with us to confirm His word with signs following (Mark 16:20).

Dry bones live (Ezekiel 37). God is going to resuscitate “living” dead, faint-hearted, shame-faced, and unprofitable Christians. Some will re-enlist just as Peter did. Peter converted, and became a major menace to the domain of the Devil. God’s word says about Peter, “…and when thou art converted, strengthen thy brethren.” (Luke 22:32). A revitalized army is being formed with potent Jesus energy in portions that will be in the overflow. God is not excited about propped-up, mealy-mouthed, going with the masses people. God’s Word says, “Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat:” (Matthew 7:13). Our Lord has delight in solid soldiers who stand up, speak with power, and manifest that the only flow that has power is flow comprised of continual obedience to God.

Are we feeding the Devil bones or the meat of God’s truth? Spiritually, are we lean or robust in what we daily ingest? Spiritually, are we sound in our nutritious consumption and disgestion? Are we sufficiently weighing our choices, and unloading unnecessary calorie content? Who are we dining with, and why? Are we there to present Jesus or to embrace an agenda that is of the Devil? What do we swallow – truth or the doctrines of devils? Are we replete with appetizers but low on main courses? Are we into dips or going whole hog for God?

Prayer: Blessed Father God, please feed us with spiritual sustenance to keep us rooted and grounded in Your love with grace and truth multiplied. Let the peace of God rule in our hearts as we follow after righteousness equipped to do effective battle against the dominion of the Devil. Help us to tear down his strongholds, destroy his works, and recruit his soldiers. Let us make them aware with Your living proofs that they are fighting on the side that will not win. Expose to them that the Devil does not love them, but that You do. Provide us the counsel that we need to feed the Devil hefty portions of Your Word, obedience, and praise to You, with fervent loyalty to Your causes. Lord, we need You – we cannot do this without You. Teach us, O Righteous Father, and King of saints, how to continually bring You joy, pleasure, and delight. And let us do as You instructed, “Feed my sheep.” (John 21:16).


© Copyright October 12, 2008


Greetings -

GOD is a Mind-blower, a Trip of unprecedented heights, a Governor, a Master-Builder, and a Creator who has no equal.  Wow!  He is a consuming fire with a Lion Son, a Holy Ghost, an innumerable company of angels, a heavenly host, and an army of righteous warriors.   His arsenal is explosive with dimensions that stun us thrillingly.  He is ever-ready with what is necessary to quell storms, heal hearts, consume Satan, overthrow dominions, deliver souls, and destroy the works of the Devil.  Against evil, GOD is a formidable unconquerable opponent with the goods to vanquish all that is wicked.    

Thursday, October 28, 2010

DANIEL 11...

Photo compliments of Sandra
Copyright 2010

Greetings -

@Timothy and whosoever will...

After I e-mailed you the first time for clarification for my topic posted today "QUESTION," the Lord led me to Daniel 11 prior to your e-mailed response.

This is what He provided:

Daniel 11:27 the time appointed

Daniel 11:29
At the time appointed...

Daniel 11:30
...and have intelligence with them that forsake the holy covenant.

Daniel 11:32
...but the people that do know their God shall be strong, and do exploits.

Daniel 11:36
...for that that is determined shall be done.

And as I was doing this, I was given:

1 Chronicles 12:32
And of the children of Issachar, which were men that had understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do;...

Note: Wow! - Right after I posted this, I heard David Jeremiah on TBN cite one of the very scriptures that I had just posted here.

Jeremiah cited Daniel 11:32.  Precisely, he cited, "...the people that do know their GOD shall be strong and do exploits."  And then Jeremiah prayed and included that passage in his prayer.

Talk about immediate confirmation.  Thank you, Lord! 


Greetings -

Normally, of late, I have not done more than one daily "SCRIPTURE JOY," but this evening I sense a "spirit press" to post the scriptures below.  Perhaps someone that reads this has had an experience today to which these scriptures apply - GOD knows.

Scriptures from King James Bible 

Luke 21:15
For I will give you a mouth and wisdom which all your adversaries shall not be able to gainsay nor resist.

Galatians 4:16
Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth? 

Daniel 7:25
And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until...


Photo compliments of Sandra
Copyright 2010



Daniel 7:22
Until the Ancient of days came, and judgment was given to the saints of the most High; and the time came that the saints possessed the kingdom.

Remember, precious people, that we are heirs of GOD and joint-heirs with JESUS Christ, our Lord. GOD did not create us to be heirs only when we reach heaven. He created us to be heirs in our conduct now, in earth, as His Word informs.  We are not some weary, downtrodden, forsaken paupers waiting on the kingdom to come. For those who are ready – GOD’s kingdom is NOW!

Some have been saved, sanctified, and filled with the Holy Ghost. The ultimate is to be in the constant realm of GOD’s glory. That is a position of being fully certain that GOD is our Friend, and that we humbly walk with Him – Micah 6:8. It is a place that we are completely sure, and secure that GOD is our Father, our Source, and our Keeper who provides everything that we need when we need it and who we need it from – according to His decisive, and wise plans.

To be fully in the kingdom is to be habitually kingdom-minded, and in a thought mode where the kingdom way is increasingly automatic. We can, through GOD, be so in tune with the leading of the Holy Spirit that we think holy thoughts, say holy things, and do holy things – on the regular. Sin will no longer have dominion over us because we have been elevated to kingdom heights while on earth. That can be our reality if we do what the Lord requires to be steadily in such a place. Of course, we all sin and come short of GOD’s glory; however, we can be at spiritual growth levels where, increasingly, we do holiness instinctively.

We do not need to tolerate the nonsense of the Devil, and his cohorts. GOD commands that we love the sinners but hate the sins. GOD equips so that we can love the hell out of some people. That cannot happen if we are afraid of Satan, his threats, and wicked deeds. The Devil has a kingdom – the Word of GOD informs us that Satan’s kingdom will be destroyed while the kingdom of GOD is for eternity. Our Lord commands us to be bold, and to preach the gospel of the kingdom – Matthew 9:35. We are to take authority over evil because the Word of GOD tells us that He has given us power and authority over all devils. The word “all” means just what it says. We are not to insult GOD with unbelief, fear, and worldliness. He is so delighted when we operate with kingdom mindsets with actions that relay to Satan that we do, no doubt, know that greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world.

We need to stay combat ready as commanded in Ephesians 6. We need to know Whose we are and that our Father is not the weaker one as sometimes our conduct demonstrates. We have our moments when we believe more in the power of Satan than the power of GOD, Who is the most High. Everything about Satan is inferior to GOD. GOD has preeminence over the total of all that exists. Satan is GOD’s creation – certainly, he cannot surpass the Lord in anything!

Are we earthly kingdom people in mode for elevation to ultimate kingdom placement – eternity with our blessed Father GOD?

Daniel 7:18
But the saints of the most High shall take the kingdom, and posess the kingdom for ever, even for ever and ever.

Psalm 103:19
The Lord hath prepared his throne in the heavens; and his kingdom ruleth over all.

June 1, 2009 – Revised Wednesday July 28, 2010
© Copyright 2009/2010

Photo compliments of Sandra
Copyright 2010


Photo compliments of Sandra
Copyright 2010


Scriptures from the King James Bible 

2 Timothy 4:18
And the Lord shall deliver me from every evil work, and will preserve me unto his heavenly kingdom: to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen.

Psalm 97:10
Ye that love the Lord, hate evil: he preserveth the souls of his saints; he delivereth them out of the hand of the wicked.

Psalm 103:1
Bless the Lord, O my soul: and all that is within me, bless his holy name. 


Greetings -

This a.m. I watched a pastor tell of an issue.  He stated that one evening he had a disagreement with his wife that was not resolved before he went to bed.  He said that the next morning he went to pray as he usually did.  Pastor stated that the Lord asked him what he was doing.  He responded that he was praying.  The Lord told him "you can't pray right now."  The Lord told him that he had to resolve the issue with his wife...

The pastor explained that he had been praying but that the prayer was NOT going anywhere...

Pastor stated that he asked the Lord why He was always on his wife's side?  The Lord responded, "Because she is always on my side."

Wednesday, October 27, 2010


Greetings -

Today who are of the ilk of Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Elijah, John the Baptist etc. ?  


Photo compliments of Sandra
Copyright 2010
Greetings -

I begin this post with words excerpted from comments made by Timothy.  Yellow highlights are mine for emphasis on Timothy's  mentioned points.

 Tim R. Temple said...

1 Cor. 11:29-30 shows God's judgment on wicked Christians. This shows God's judgment on Ananias and Sapphira wasn't the exception.

Jesus used a fig tree as an example of God wanting fruit from us, or else. (Matthew 21:18-20) He is patient, but we eventually must bear the fruit of the Spirit.

In John 15:2a, "He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, ....." See also Luke 13:6-9.
Yes, God is Love. But God is also Justice.


Some months ago, the Lord informed me that, among other ways that He deals with people, He deals with levels.  Those levels are:

Level one - He requests us to obey Him.

Level two - He warns us to obey Him.  This level happens when we ignore His requests.

Level three - He judges when we persist in our disobedience.  This level happens when we ignore His warnings.

Many of us have found ourselves at level three and it can be O so painful.  It is always best to obey GOD at level one.  I have been at level three enough times that now the memories of the pain cause me to embrace level one most often though, on occasions, I find myself at level two.  That is not to say that I will never be at level three again - Lord, please help me...   

There have been times when I have allowed myself to bypass level one and I have actually clearly heard in my spirit the Lord sharply say, "Didn't I tell you?!..."  When I hear that, it moves me to obey - most of the time.

Now to get back to the issue of traitors in the church.  We are now in a place on GOD'S timetable that His longsuffering has come to an end for steadfastly disobedient people who are in churches.  For the most part this is not about baby Christians, but those who have been in church for years - some of them have been wreaking havoc for GOD knows how long.  Scores of people in churches are at level three - where it is imminent that the judgment of GOD is about to come down on them.

Some of the steadfastly disobedient Christians work in churches.  I'll call them "brother and sister T's."  Brother and sister T's usher, sit as deacons, church administrators, sing in choirs, teach, preach and feed the hungry.  Yet they spew their malicious words, socialize in the sanctuary while prayer warriors are walking around the sanctuary praying, distract people during prayer/praise and worship, gossip, and treat people rudely.  Love, is typically NOT on display.  The Bible teaches us in 1 Corinthians 13 that without love, we are nothing.  I cannot recall how many times I have been told or heard of people who are against churches and Christians because of lack of love shown.  

I had a "season" where I was knowledgeable about GOD but was not much in the love zone. The Lord revealed this to me.  I prayed for months, daily, for Him to please teach me to love.  I still pray it.  Thanks be to GOD that I have improved considerably and was told by one of my sisters in Christ that she noticed it.  There is still much to learn.  Our Lord is pleased with holy progress.  He does not expect perfection from us but He does expect us to strive steadfastly to be holy.  During my "season" when I was more self-righteous than holy, I was not much inclined to pray for those who were my enemies and/or those who persecuted me.  Now, I am led by the Spirit to address sin in others with a spirit of love, and humility.  Also, I am led at times to "rebuke them sharply" as instructed in Titus 1:13 which states, "This witness is true.  Wherefore rebuke them sharply that they may be sound in the faith."  I inform others to alert me when they recognize sin in me - we must be accountable to others.  Also, I pray for my enemies - Christian and otherwise.  Now, praise the Lord, I sincerely desire that they will righteously change - whereas before I wanted the Lord to "get em."  Now I know that He will judge them when/if they reach level three, but I do NOT gloat or feel good about it.  What I feel mostly is pity for them.  Continued prayer is a practice, as well.  We all need prayer - no doubt.  

The wicked church people conduct must be addressed because the name of GOD is being affected.  The world watches and knows, baby Christians are observing, and true worshippers of GOD are being persecuted in churches! for being holy.  Some people cannot separate the sin of GOD's so-called people from Holy Sovereign GOD.  They cannot always wrap their minds around the truth that the sinful Christian conduct is NOT representative of the GOD that the steadfastly disobedient Christians profess. The rampant sinful conduct by professing Christians affects how GOD does His business.  Yes, He is always in control but He needs the renegades "arrested."  Hopefully, they will reform but they must be disciplined, and judged for the betterment of the kingdom of GOD system.

I heard a pastor in Tampa, FL tell a story of how his teen-aged son refused to make up his bed after being told repeatedly. One day the son came home and the bed was gone. I do not recall how long it was gone but the pastor did say that after the bed was returned his son never failed again to make it. The pastor explained that he had younger children in the house and that they were watching how he dealt with their older brother. One of his daughter's was in the congregation when the pastor told the story and she confirmed what her father said - that she never failed to make up her bed based on what she observed relative to her big brother.

What will deeply impact people is the observance of steadfastly holy people who love, obey GOD, and boldly proclaim the gospel of the kingdom.  Yokes are destroyed because of the anointing.  People are transformed by pure truth.  Heavily anointed Christians go and glow.  The glory of GOD is seen upon them - Isaiah 60:1. 

When I lived in Tampa, FL, a crack addict (I'll call her Anita) told me that Christians who are not doers of the Word run people out of churches.  She stated that she was run out of church.  I met Anita through another crack addict (what is it with the Lord and me with crack addicts? - I don't know).  Anyway, I had just met crack addict (I'll call her Bess) and the Lord told me to invite her to dine out at a restaurant.  She accepted my invitation - she and her young son.  As we dined, Anita joined us.  I learned that Bess' mother was an evangeliest in another state.  The next day, I saw Bess again and she told me that Anita had told her that she saw an aura light around me.  This post has become lengthy so I will continue on another post this week to express more about my Tampa, Florida experiences.

On another day, again in Tampa, I rode the bus with a man for only the second time.  He was an alcoholic who was struggling to live for the Lord.  He told me  - this was the second time that he saw me on a bus, "I see Jesus all over you!"  We cannot be steadfastly disobedient and have a glory glow nor can the glory of the Lord be seen upon the steadfastly disobedient.  Those who persist in disobedience deprive themselves of GOD's best which is His glory and His anointing that destroys yokes.  The glory realm of GOD is the highest level that can be attained while we have these earthly bodies.  Glory realm Christians have souls that follow hard after GOD (Psalm 63:8).  Sin separates from GOD and He is no respecter of persons. Colossians 3:25 states, "But he that doeth wrong shall receive for the wrong which he hath done; and there is no respect of persons."     

It is apparent that this post issue needs to be continued.  I will post more on it this week.

Thank you for your indulgence.

Copyright 2010

Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Greetings -

Today when I returned home after having posted "TRAITORS IN THE MIDST..." on this blog today, there were two e-mails in my
in-box that deal with deficiencies relative to Christians.  They were not junk.  Both e-mails made some valid and truthful points.  It is  interesting that I received the subject e-mails after posting the "TRAITORS IN THE MIDST..." post today.  Before receipt of the subject e-mails I had considered not posting the additional points that were not included today; however, the two e-mails were further confirmation that the Lord desires that the additional information be posted.  I will obey and do it before this week ends.  

Thank you for your indulgence. 


Greetings -

I read an article today dated today on  The headline says, "1 in 4 Americans can't think of recent postive contributions by Christians."  It goes on to state, "One in four Americans said they couldn't think of a single positive societal contribution made by Christians in recent years, according to a nationwide survey released Monday."


Greetings -

For contextual purposes I have re-posted below the post from yesterday titled, "EXPECT."  Included below are some of the comments received relative to that topic.

After the re-post is a comment e-mailed to me from a Christian brother named Jason.  His e-mail is dated October 16, 2010.  I asked Jason then if I could post his comment. He graciously granted his permission.  October 16th was about the third time that Jason has e-mailed me about the subject matter.  My heart goes out to him and others who endure similar situations.

After Jason's comments, this post will become original in content as I write more about traitors in the church.  Indeed they are loved but the Lord has stressed to me that these things must be expressed.  But first some scriptures from the King James Bible.

Psalm 55:12-14
For it was not an enemy that reproached me; then I could have borne it: neither was it he that hated me that did magnify  himself against me; then I would have hid myself from him: 

But it was thou, a man mine equal, my guide, and mine acquaintance.

We took sweet counsel together, and walked unto the house of God in company.

2 Timothy 4:14
Alexander...did me much evil: the Lord reward him according to his works:

2 Timothy 4:15
Of whom be thou ware also; for he hath greatly withstood our words.

Romans 9:13
As it is written, Jacob have I loved but Esau have I hated.

1 Kings 2:32
And the Lord shall return his blood upon his own head, who fell upon two men more righteous and better than he...

Habakkuk 1:13
...wherefore lookest thou upon them that deal treacherously, and holdest thy tongue when the wicked devoureth the man that is more righteous than he?

Psalm 35:12 (for the most part, all of Psalm 35)
They rewarded me evil for good... 

1 Samuel 24:17
And he said to David, Thou art more righteous than I: for thou hast rewarded me good, whereas I have rewarded thee evil.  


Expect heightened evidence of the Lord's vengeance against the evil...

Revelation 6:10
And they cried with a loud voice, saying, How long, O Lord, holy and true, dost thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth?

2 Thessalonians 1:5
Seeing it is a righteous thing with God to recompense tribulation to them that trouble you;

Psalm 75:7
But God is the judge: he putteth down one, and setteth up another.

Comments relative to the subject post above:

Tim R. Temple said...

1 cor. 11:29-30
"For anyone who eats and drinks without recognizing the body of the Lord (figuratively in the communion) eats and drinks judgment on himself. That is why many among you are sick, and a number of you have "fallen asleep."

October 25, 2010 7:29 PM

lioneagle said...

Hi Timothy -

Please provide some commentary on this. ...not fully understanding.

Thank you

October 25, 2010 8:04 PM

Tim R. Temple said...

1 Cor. 11:29-30 shows God's judgment on wicked Christians. This shows God's judgment on Ananias and Sapphira wasn't the exception.

Jesus used a fig tree as an example of God wanting fruit from us, or else. (Matthew 21:18-20) He is patient, but we eventually must bear the fruit of the Spirit.

In John 15:2a, "He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, ....." See also Luke 13:6-9.

1 Timothy 5:5-6 says, "Now she who is really a widow, and left alone, trusts in God and continues in supplications and prayers night and day. But she who lives in pleasure is dead while she lives."

Phil. 2:12b-13 says, "...continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling, for it is God who works in you to will and to act according to his good purpose."

Yes, God is Love. But God is also Justice.

October 25, 2010 9:02 PM

Grammy Blick said...

Many look upon activities as being signs of the end times. I have nothing to add or subtract from that -- every single day we live, we are at least one day closer to His return. Yet Christians continue in daily lives that do not reflect their belief that He will return.

October 25, 2010 10:29 PM


As indicated above Jason e-mailed me on October 16, 2010.  He gave his permission for me to post this.  It was e-mailed on October 16, 2010, - the Lord did not release me to post it until today.

Jason's comments exactly as he wrote them:

...from my own personal experiences, yes most christians are cold hearted, self centred, and can even be mean and cruel. I have been to churches where I was ostracized by almost everyone cause I didn't fit in. I have always been different and have been ridiculed and treated badly by many.

I have seen prejudices in the church. Being interracially married, there are white christians who despise my marriage to a black woman while some black christians hate me. I used to attend a church in Detroit on Fenkell and Fairfield, where some of the members did not approve of whites going to that church. They shunned me cause I am white. I have seen many christians hate other races of people or hate gay people or hate jews, etc.

I have been persecuted for speaking truth by so-called christians and even hated. If you believe in healing and deliverance and teach people that God wants you healed, religious folks in the church will persecute you and call you a heretic, a false teacher, accuse you of having your own gospel, name-it-claim-it etc. They spend so much time tearing down others and they are jealous of God's anointed who operated in the gifts of the Spirit.


This begins the resumption of original content:

This post became lengthier than I anticipated so I will need to continue it before the end of this week.  A bit will be stated here before I end this post.

This really happened:

Someone (I'll call her Jewel) asked two questions to a man (I'll call him Teeter) who had previously expressed to her that he was a Christian.  Jewel asked the questions because the Lord told her to ask them based on the truth that Jewel had consistently observed Teeter being rude, and sharp in tone. 

Jewel asked calmly and politely, "Are you a Christian?"

Teeter responded, "Yes."

Jewel asked, "Does GOD know that you are a Christian?"

Teeter looked stunned, startled, and busted.  He did not answer.

Jewel proceeded on...she had the answer and Teeter knew...

Today on this blog under the tab titled, "TO EVERY THING THERE IS A SEASON" I have posted a piece called, "GUARD YOUR ANOINTING."  It was written on October 7, 2008. There are two other topics listed under the subject tab. Below those two topics, is the subject topic that was posted today.

Photos compliments of  Sandra
Copyright 2010


Photo compliments of Sandra
Copyright 2010

Greetings -

Scriptures from the King James Bible

John 4:14
But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life.

John 4:34
Jesus saith unto them, My meat is to do the will of him that sent me, and to finish his work.

Psalm 24:8
Who is this King of glory? The Lord strong and mighty, the Lord mighty in battle.  

Monday, October 25, 2010


Greetings -

Expect heightened evidence of the Lord's vengeance against the evil...

Revelation 6:10
And they cried with a loud voice, saying, How long, O Lord, holy and true, dost thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth?

2 Thessalonians 1:5
Seeing it is a righteous thing with God to recompense tribulation to them that trouble you;

Psalm 75:7
But God is the judge: he putteth down one, and setteth up another.


Greetings -

Millions are in love with stars and celebrities, and some even worship them.  I love an assortment of stars and celebrities but I am not IN love with any of them.  As do we all, they have feet of clay. For certain, none of us walk on water. 

We observe, hear and read often about Hollywood stars and celebrities.  The media regularly reports on the 
so-called A-listers, the red carpet premieres, the award shows - how many are there now?! - and the worship of the famous.  Some folks are desperate for autographs.  Years ago, I went to an event where there was an author present who was selling his book.  I was interested in the book and purchased a copy.  The author asked me if I wanted him to sign the book.  I politely said, "No."  He looked surprised.  Though I admire the skills and talents of others and have even written letters of commendation to those that I admire, I am not inclined for autographs.  What does it say when the autograph of another human is our desire?  Does it indicate that they possess some importance above other people?  To me, that seems to be the indication.  No thank you - autographs are not for me.  I am a writer, and believe that the Lord will allow books of mine to be published.  I do not desire autographs nor will I ever submit my autograph if, per chance, I am ever requested to do so.  Now - I will write "JESUS"  in any books that I may be asked to sign.  Note: In no way do I judge those who are inclined to autographs. 

Sadly, more frequently, reports surface about the alcohol and drug addiction problems experienced by those in celebrity communities.  Then there is the anguish of infidelity in so many celebrity lives.  Are these people truly stars?  I venture to say - not.  It is a certainty that a number of them do not feel like stars even though much of the public considers them as such.  Some of them, in their private moments, seek various forms of escape from their unfulfilled existences.  Are they famous? - yes.  What price, though, do they pay for their fame?   There is one famous celebrity that is often in the news.  She is famous also for her fashion savvy. Her fashions boldly "make a statement," but with rare exception, whenever I look into her eyes, I see "sad."

I love my share of famous people and the pleasure of their artistry at work.  It is good, through entertainment, to enjoy respite from the routine tasks in life. Clearly, there is appreciation for the varied contributions of famous people.

There is no reasonable argument as to whether celebrities help to enrich our lives.  The same is true for people who are not famous.  I offer this "story" from the other extreme of people:  Some years ago I experienced major anguish relative to the end of a relationship.  Some of the most enriching encouragement and compassion came to me from a neighbor (I'll call him Don) who was a
crack-addicted backslidden Christian.  Don was smoking rock, but the ROCK, Lord JESUS used him to deeply impact my fragile vulnerable state.  Don's compassion was of such comfort to me.  I will never forget how GOD used him to "minister" to my sorrowful soul.  

Some may say, "A crack addict?!"  Yes - a crack addict who backslid from JESUS.  I am convinced that the Spirit of the living GOD worked from the heart place of Don!  In truth, I was comforted by others, family members included, but no one had the impact as did Don.  Why? - I don't know except to express that GOD uses whoever and however He pleases.   Glory to His righteous name!

People of value are found in every corner of our vast planet.  No rocks though.  I'm in love with a ROCK STAR - JESUS the ROCK of salvation. He does walk on water.  His shed red blood trumps the red carpet any day of the week.  He is the triple
A-lister PLUS.  His listing has no end.  He IS the award show with rewards for His faithful.  Oscar, Emmy, and Grammy you have nothing that comes close to ROCK JESUS!   Award attendees you are invited to sup with the Savior.  Come as you are - friendship with Him assures that you will not stay as You are - He guarantees the best - for sure! 

True worshippers of GOD are addicted to love and the truth of the full gospel.  We are produced and directed by Christ - the ROCK STAR!  We have featured roles in His kingdom drama - no understudy action allowed - we all, daily, play ourselves in the roles of our lives.     

I'm in love with a ROCK STAR.

My prayer is that more HollyWOULD characters, and others get their places in the ROCK.

Scriptures from the King James Bible

Matthew 7:24
Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock.

Matthew 7:25
And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell not; for it was founded upon a rock.

Matthew 16:18
...and upon this rock I will build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.

1 Corinthians 10:4
And did all drink the same spiritual drink: for they drank of that spiritual Rock that followed them: and that Rock was Christ.


Greetings and Good GOD's Monday morning!

Scriptures from the King James Bible 

1 Corinthians 16:15
...they have addicted themselves to the ministry of the saints,

Psalm 9:1
I will praise thee, O Lord, with my whole heart; I will shew forth all thy marvellous works.

The Acts 4:13
Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived that they were unlearned and ignorant men, they marvelled; and they took knowledge of them, that they had been with Jesus.

- FYI - You're invited to obtain my e-books. Also, I invite you to read my free offerings. Here is the link for additional information.

You don't need e-readers to read e-books; they can also be read online.

Sunday, October 24, 2010


Greetings -

One blogger buddy/e-mail sister in Christ inquired as to how to add tabs (separate stand-alone pages) to blogs.  I e-mailed her the information.  Perhaps others may find this helpful:

On blog, go to "Design" area (located on Home page in upper right corner of blog)

Click on "Design" there.

Once that is done, view top of that new screen and go to top far left of screen and click on "Posting" tab.

Click on "Edit Pages" (shown in blue)

Click on "New Page"

Type in your topic title for tab(s) (stand alone separate pages.)

(Whenever you need to edit PAGE(S), click on "EDIT PAGES.")

At bottom left of "New Page" screen, click on "Post Options" if you want comments allowed.

NOTE: Please look at my tab on this blog "FAMILY FORT." There I have more than one topic posted. The issue with the tab pages/topics is that if you place more than one topic under the subject tab, there is only one comment area. I fiddled around with the matter under my "FAMILY FORT" tab. You can see what I came up with there...

For my photo blog's "FAVORITES" tab, there is only one topic one comment area is simple...

There are at least a couple (not sure off-hand) of my tabs that have more than one topic listed....

Note: If you prefer not to use tabs, when you go to "Create Page,"
it gives the option for you to have the info placed on the side of your blog.


This photo was posted on my photo blog today.

That is a bee in the center of the flower.

Greetings -

It is my effort to give some suggestions relative to my fellow members of the body of Christ who post photo galleries (a collection of photos posted together). I have "met" a number of Christian bloggers who love photography and who post photo galleries on their blogs.  Please bear with me as I am not sure how well I can state my sentiments.

Previously, I was posting photo galleries on this blog. About two  weeks ago, the Lord reminded me that this is a spiritual blog for content that is Bible and gospel based with scriptural content included.  The Lord  instructed me to do a separate blog for my photo galleries.  I removed the photo galleries from here and placed them on the newly created photo blog.  I will continue to use photos on here to accompany that which is biblically based, unless the Spirit leads otherwise. Also, I am allowed to make announcements on this blog about new photos being posted on my photo blog.
One day I decided to add some scriptural content to my photo blog.  The Lord told me no.  I obeyed.  Later I asked a brother in Christ why would the Lord stop me from posting scriptural content on my photo blog?  Below is an excerpt of the response from my brother in Christ (I am not using his name because I did not ask his permission).  

He stated, " is nice to have pretty pictures.  Verbage would be a distraction.  There's a time for every purpose under heaven."

Later...the Lord shared more with me about the matter.  He informed that some non-Christians love to view photography but would feel "threatened" by a blog that is obviously Christian in content.  While they may be inclined to view photos - they may not be inclined to go through the Christian centered blog content to get to the posted photo galleries.  Most of us know of some people who are turned off by Christian conversation.  I have one male neighbor (I'll call him Peter) that the Lord allows me to share food with sometimes. Whenever I would bring up the topic of GOD or such content, Peter would become very agitated.  The Lord told me to stop preaching to Peter but to continue to offer him food.  Peter readily accepts the food but does not want to hear about GOD.  One day recently I showed Peter a photo from my photo blog.  Instantly, I noticed a connection  - he was impressed.  The photo that impressed him was a picture of a bee (it is the focal shot on my photo blog).  He complimented the photo and made a bit more mention about it.

From that, along with some other things, the Lord taught me to do more to meet people where they are.  Certainly that does not mean sin but to find a wholesome common denominator and know that the Lord can manifest His love and fruits in those common denominator places. 

Photography blogs can be tools to minister to people.  We can share about photography and GOD knows what He can do with that sharing. I have some family members who are not interested in my spiritual blog but who did go to my photo blog.  They all commented on, and complimented the photos.  It was quite interesting how the Lord used the photos to appeal to their sight senses.             

Of course, we need to be prayerful and do as the Spirit leads.  Our Lord, we know, leads us all in unique ways.  I felt led of the Spirit to post these suggestions today with awareness that the Spirit may not lead all who have photo galleries to practice my suggestions.  But if only one person does, it is worth the effort. 

My suggestion is that photo galleries be separated from gospel content blogs.  Also, I suggest that each  photo in photo galleries be numbered so that those who comment can comment by photo number.  Example comment: "I loved all of your favorites are 1, 2, and 7."  One last suggestion (thank you for bearing with me): For those who elect to do a separate photo blog, consider creating a "FAVORITES" tab where others can view your favorites, and favorites selected by others who have viewed on your photo blog.  If you are so inclined, to view a representative example, please visit my photo blog and view what is posted under my "FAVORITES" tab.  Some people like interactive - where they can participate by giving their elected favorites.   Also, if  photo blogs have lots of pictures and some people are not inclined to view all of the pages, they may be inclined to view the "FAVORITES" tab area.  It allows a quick view option.     

Thank you for your consideration.

NOTE: Today I posted new photos on my photo blog

There are three sets of photos that were posted today.  Each set has a topic.  One topic has squirrels as a focus.  One topic has bees as a focus, and one topic is "LITTLE CREATURES" which has photos of birds, and insects, etc.

The photos posted here with this topic were posted on my photo blog today.

This photo was posted on my photo blog today.