I wrote the content on this blog with sincere and holy intentions with the knowledge that I had at the time... We live, learn and errors are exposed and more truths are revealed...

Only GOD is perfect. It's vital that you seek the Lord to expose any errors that you've embraced. Please ask Him to expose any areas of darkness to you and for what is necessary to do to dispossess what's NOT of truth.



Flames of fire dance joyfully as dreams of fervor conjure up images of red hot passion for the gusto of life.

Sizzle, spark, explode -

Fireballs light up the sky. Wow! a thunder flash with a clap -

The flames are vivid with the awesome glow of orange colors blended with yellow highlights that accent the blaze.

This display is the bomb torched with a rocket plan. Such rapture has lit our fire. We are dynamite on this journey.

Come on fire, fall on us. Pour your liquid potency. Ignite our souls that we may be engulfed with magnified intensity.

Blow up our hearts. Dance with us....


Copyright 2010


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Thursday, October 21, 2010


Greetings -

Please pray for Christians and others who are persecuted in workplaces.  Some Christians are even in hostile work situations because of their faith.  I know of some Christian whistleblowers who suffered significantly for obeying the Lord relative to reporting workplace malfeasance.  One of them, a friend of mine, was instrumental in the implementation of U.S. federal law 107-174.  The law is called Notification and Federal Employees Antidiscrimination and Retaliation Act of 2002.  It is popularly called, "No-FEAR Act."  George W. Bush signed it into law on May 15, 2002. The law seeks to discourage managers and supervisors from engaging in unlawful discrimination and retaliation.

Years ago, I was involved, though not on a large scale, in a whistleblower situation in my workplace as a federal government employee.  I was vindicated but it took a major toll on my mind and spirit.  The practice is a lonely one even with the Lord as strength.  It is something that I stress DEFINITELY needs to be led by the Spirit.  My experience gained rewards - as the Lord manifested precisely what He needed exposed.  It was necessary to do because the Lord fully endorsed that harrowing journey.  

My friend also was vindicated.  She received monetary compensation, but the stress upon her was enormous.  GOD provided what she needed; however, what she did would consume most people.
An associate became a whistleblower and won her case.  Again, the toll.  Neither of us regrets the actions that we were led to do.  All three of us were led by the Lord to begin our own businesses, me in March 2010.  Financially, the profit is limited.  Indeed, there is a price to pay for obeying our Lord.  It is so worth it, though, to be in His will.

There are scores of people who are unhappy in their workplaces.  Many do not speak out and indeed that is not for everybody.  Those who suffer in "silence" have major stress issues.  In my work experiences, I have observed more than a few in management who are not skilled in their roles.  Some have technical and educational skills but little or no people skills. I commend the people who know how to properly manage subordinates. They are such an asset to the workplace dynamic. It is a win win when employees and management can harmoniously labor together as true team members.

I read a book once where a woman told of how she worked in a business and got fired.  She knew that she was adequately qualified.  Her supervisor told her that she had no people skills.  That is why he fired her.  To her credit, she corrected herself, and wrote a successful book about the importance of people skills. 

Many of you may have heard of the former Mayor of Washington, DC, Marion Barry.  He now sits on the D.C. City Council.  He has had numerous public airings of his personal failings.  Years ago, on internationally broadcast media, he was shown smoking crack.  He has been to jail, had substance abuse and tax issues.  Yet, he has continued to get elected.  He has been elected as Mayor of Washington, DC four times and elected to the D.C. City Council three times, the last election was in 2008 when,  according to, he "easily held off all five challengers in the Democratic primary."  The topic of Marion Barry has been of high interest - some love him and some don't.  Whatever the sentiments, it cannot be dismissed that the man is a master politician.  No other politician in the history of the world has been elected as many times as Marion Barry.  What is incredible is that with all of his "negative baggage," people have re-elected him time and time again.  He has done better politically than many who have never went to jail, did drugs, or had tax issues. 

What gives?  I do not fully understand, but one thing I do know is that Marion Barry is adept with people.    He has superb people skills.  I do believe that he genuinely and sincerely cares.  Many people here in D.C. love him, regardless of his failings.   He started the summer youth job program here years ago and people still discuss their gratitude for how he got their children jobs.  The program remains in place.  Senior citizens still speak of how he helped them.  Marion Barry's political record is unprecedented.   

We have all heard of reports of workplace violence where people have been murdered.  Certainly workplace issues should never be handled with violence.  But when I hear of the murders, my mind does go to - what made the murderers snap?  Some workplaces are so hostile that people feel hopeless and resort to violence.  There is more need to examine workplace environments and interpersonal dynamics.  Recently, I read about an employee who committed suicide because of a supervisor who was very unpleasant to work with.  The employee had complained to human resources.  His co-workers agreed that the manager was a major source of discontent throughout the workplace.  The latest that I heard was that the employees are vehemently urging the ouster of that supervisor.  An investigation, I believe, is still underway.   

My belief is that the Lord needs more Christians to become entrepreneurs.  Everyone, of course is not "wired" for that career choice, but more Christians need to seek the Lord relative to that path.  People need more Christians as leaders in workplaces.  Christian business owners and Christian managers benefit the business world.  One benefit is that employees can work for people who lead godly lives and therefore exude peace.  Some employees yearn to work in placid workplaces where skills are on display with fairness, integrity, and compassion for people.  Also, the Christian witness is a great asset to the kingdom of GOD and, with Christian business owners, for the most part, worldly constraints are not obstacles.  There are challenges in any endeavor, but with the Lord as FIRST LOVE AND ANCHOR, all things are possible.   

Source for electoral, and No-FEAR specifics:

Note: I wrote a piece, "PARACHUTES OR EAGLES WINGS?"  I will post that on this blog soon.  It expresses more about work choice decisions.

Copyright 2010


  1. Hi Sandra,

    I believe that those who suffer from workplace persecution, intimidation and a hostile environment are in many ways no different from those who experience domestic violence. I think because I'm a man, I may view this differently, my responses to managerial attempts at intimidation have been confrontational.

    I grew up in an area of Chicago where intimidation was something I witnessed, experienced and participated in. I do not take pride or comfort in what I learned growing up, I can see now that the Lord did have something of greater value in mind for me.

    In spite of that, I believe I'm no different than anyone else in this regard. Man or woman, we must decide if what we are experiencing is serving God's purpose or whether we have given in to fear. As you indicated, "Many do not speak out and indeed that is not for everybody."

    It takes courage to stand against those who foster a hostile work environment; it also takes the saving grace of the Lord to get one beyond that place of terror. I believe that God can do mighty things in the workplace for those who trust in Him but God may not do anything in a particular workplace; He is not under any obligation. This is what makes it a difficult choice to endure.

    Some may choose to walk away but then, What about those who remain? If I escape to safety will I forget those who still suffer? This question brings to light my personal responsibility and obligation as a believer in Christ. Still, I find myself thinking that it is best to flee from a hostile workplace just as it is best to flee from an abusive home; at the very least, you need to talk to someone you trust.

    Our society and country would fare better if businesses were run and operated by those led by the Spirit of God; that is the Christian ideal. The truth is that many businesses and governments are run by those who trust in wealth and power, not God. This is to everyone's detriment.

    As Christians, we must walk before God and others in a manner worthy of our heavenly calling, no matter how others choose to live; giving glory and honor to our Saviour and Lord. If we work for others or we are entrepreneurs, we must do so with the attitude that we serve God in whatever we do.

    Blessings and peace.


  2. Hey Sandra!

    So glad that you introduced yourself to me through Terri's blog and wanted to stop by and meet you and visit your blog! I was so blessed by your posts and following along with you now!

    It's always wonderful to meet new bloggin' sisters in the Lord!!


  3. Hi Jackie -

    Thank you - you are certainly welcome here.

  4. Hi Timothy -

    Will you weigh in on this, please...

    Thank you

  5. As Christians, persecutions are promised us: "Many are the affictions of the righteous: but the Lord delivers him out of them ALL (Psalm 34:19). Of course, workplace persecution threatens our financial stability, our emotional state, etc. The temptations may be great to do something rash for temporal relief. But we must be careful to seek the Lord, and learn how to patiently wait on Him.

  6. I worked in a corrupt inspection agency once. They refused to promote Christians because they would then come in from the field. The Christians were too honest to be trusted in the home office.


Greetings -

Thank you for visiting and commenting. It is my pleasure to read from your heart places. We are all students and teachers and I so enjoy, precious people, the beneficial engagements with you.